Victor Group Holdings Limited Half-Year Financial Report - 31 December 2023

VIG (VIG) Share Update July 2024 Tuesday 23rd

Victor Group Holdings Reports Significant Revenue Increase Despite Ongoing Losses
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Victor Group Holdings Limited (ASX: VGH) has announced its financial results for the half-year ended 31 December 2023, showcasing a substantial increase in revenue but continued losses.

Instant Summary:

  • Revenue from ordinary activities increased by 258.2% to $5,273,918.
  • Loss from ordinary activities after tax decreased by 14.6% to $579,265.
  • No dividends were paid, recommended, or declared during the current financial period.
  • Net tangible assets per ordinary security decreased from 0.34 cents to 0.30 cents.

Financial Performance

Victor Group Holdings Limited has reported a significant increase in revenue from ordinary activities, rising by 258.2% to $5,273,918 for the half-year ended 31 December 2023. This marks a substantial improvement compared to the previous period.

Despite the impressive revenue growth, the company continues to face financial challenges. The loss from ordinary activities after tax attributable to the owners of Victor Group Holdings Limited decreased by 14.6% to $579,265, compared to a loss of $678,386 in the previous period. This indicates some progress in reducing losses, but the company remains in the red.

Dividends and Net Tangible Assets

There were no dividends paid, recommended, or declared during the current financial period, consistent with the previous period. This may be a point of concern for investors seeking returns through dividends.

The net tangible assets per ordinary security also saw a decline, dropping from 0.34 cents in the previous period to 0.30 cents in the current period. This decrease reflects the ongoing financial difficulties faced by the company.

Additional Information

There were no changes in control over entities, no loss of control over entities, and no applicable details regarding associates and joint venture entities. The financial statements were subject to a review by auditors, and the review report is included as part of the half-year report.

Impact Analysis

The significant increase in revenue is a positive sign for Victor Group Holdings Limited, indicating potential growth opportunities. However, the continued losses and decrease in net tangible assets per ordinary security may dampen investor sentiment. The lack of dividends also suggests that the company is focusing on reinvesting earnings to stabilize its financial position.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts and investors may have mixed reactions to this report. While the revenue growth is promising, the ongoing losses and decline in net tangible assets are concerning. Investors will likely be cautious and monitor the company's future performance closely.


Investors should keep a close eye on Victor Group Holdings Limited's efforts to turn its financial performance around. The significant revenue growth is encouraging, but the company needs to address its losses and improve its net tangible assets to gain investor confidence. Staying informed about the company's strategic initiatives and financial updates will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Victor Group Holdings Financial Report Stock Market News Revenue Growth