Uscom Limited - Q4 2024 Cash Flow Report Highlights Positive Trends

USCOM LIMITED (UCM) Share Update July 2024 Tuesday 30th

Uscom Limited Reports Positive Cash Flow Amidst Global Market Challenges
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Uscom Limited (ASX: UCM) has released its quarterly cash flow report for the period ending 30 June 2024, showcasing a significant increase in customer receipts and a positive cash flow despite challenging global market conditions.

Instant Summary:

  • Receipts from customers up 23% to $1.54 million.
  • Operating cash inflow of $0.10 million.
  • Cash on hand at the end of the quarter: $2.52 million.
  • Staff costs increased by 60% to $0.85 million.
  • Advertising and marketing expenses remained steady at $0.30 million.

Cash Flow Overview

For the fourth quarter of 2024, Uscom Limited reported cash on hand of $2.52 million, a decrease from the previous period's $3.50 million. However, the company achieved an operating cash inflow of $0.10 million, a significant improvement from the $0.42 million outflow in the prior period and $0.03 million inflow in the prior corresponding period.

Revenue Growth

Receipts from customers increased by 23% to $1.54 million, up from $1.25 million in the prior corresponding period and a remarkable 105% increase from $0.75 million in the previous period. This growth was driven by end-of-year purchases and a one-off international sale, contributing to the positive cash flow for the quarter.

Expenditure Details

Expenditure for the quarter saw a significant increase in staff costs, which rose by 60% to $0.85 million from $0.53 million in the previous period. Advertising and marketing expenses remained consistent at $0.30 million.

Executive Commentary

Executive Chairman of Uscom, Professor Rob Phillips, commented on the results, stating, 'Uscom cash receipts for the quarter were up 23% boosted by end-of-year purchases and a one-off international sale which ensured the quarter was cash flow positive. While the signs are optimistic, the global market remains difficult, and current results may not predict long-term trends. The China market remains challenging while SE Asia, Europe, and the US continue to show encouraging activity.'

Product Portfolio

Uscom manufactures and markets several leading medical devices, including the USCOM 1A advanced haemodynamic monitor, the Uscom BP+ central blood pressure monitor, and the Uscom SpiroSonic digital multi-channel ultrasonic spirometry technologies. These devices address cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases and are marketed globally.

Impact Analysis

The positive cash flow and increased customer receipts are encouraging signs for Uscom Limited, indicating effective management and strategic positioning in the market. However, the increase in staff costs may raise concerns about operational efficiency. The global market challenges, particularly in China, could impact future performance, making it essential for investors to monitor ongoing developments closely.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the increase in customer receipts and positive cash flow as a positive development for Uscom Limited. However, the significant rise in staff costs may be a point of concern. The company's ability to navigate global market challenges, particularly in China, will be crucial for maintaining investor confidence.


Investors should keep an eye on Uscom Limited's strategic efforts to manage costs and expand its market presence, particularly in regions showing growth potential. The company's diversified product portfolio and positive cash flow trends are promising, but vigilance is required given the global market uncertainties.

Uscom Limited Q4 2024 Cash Flow Report Stock Market News Medical Technology