Trigg Minerals Limited Requests Trading Halt for Pending Acquisition Announcement

TRIGG MINERALS LIMITED (TMG) Share Update September 2024 Tuesday 17th

Trigg Minerals Requests Trading Halt Pending Major Acquisition Announcement
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Trigg Minerals Limited (ASX: TMG) has requested a trading halt on its securities pending an important announcement regarding a proposed acquisition.

Instant Summary:

  • Trigg Minerals Limited requests trading halt from ASX.
  • The halt is pending an announcement about a proposed acquisition.
  • Trading halt will last until the announcement or the commencement of trading on 20 September 2024.

Trading Halt Details

On 18 September 2024, Trigg Minerals Limited (ASX: TMG) requested a trading halt on its securities. The halt is pending an announcement concerning a proposed acquisition that the company is currently negotiating.

The trading halt will remain in effect until the earlier of the announcement's release or the commencement of normal trading on Friday, 20 September 2024. This move is in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 17.1, which allows companies to request trading halts to prevent trading on incomplete information.

Company's Statement

In a letter addressed to Barbara Lim of ASX Limited, Trigg Minerals' Executive Chairman, Timothy Morrison, confirmed the request for the trading halt. Morrison stated that the company is not aware of any reason why the trading halt should not be granted and emphasized that the halt is necessary to ensure that the market is fully informed about the pending announcement.

The Board of Directors of Trigg Minerals Limited has authorized the announcement, underscoring the importance of the proposed acquisition to the company's strategic plans.

Impact Analysis

The trading halt indicates that Trigg Minerals is on the verge of a significant corporate action, likely an acquisition that could impact its market position and stock valuation. If the acquisition is perceived positively, it could lead to a surge in stock prices once trading resumes. Conversely, if the market views the acquisition unfavorably, it could result in a decline.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to watch this development closely. The nature of the acquisition will be crucial in determining investor sentiment. Positive reactions could stem from the acquisition adding strategic value to Trigg Minerals' portfolio, while any perceived risks or overvaluation could lead to cautious or negative reactions.


Investors should stay tuned for Trigg Minerals' upcoming announcement regarding the proposed acquisition. This development could have significant implications for the company's future and its stock performance. Monitoring the announcement and subsequent market reactions will be key to making informed investment decisions.

Trigg Minerals Trading Halt Stock Market News Acquisition