Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited Suspends Trading for Capital Raise Announcement

TOYS'R'US ANZ LIMITED (TOY) Share Update July 2024 Tuesday 9th

Toys'R'Us ANZ Requests Voluntary Suspension Amid Capital Raise Discussions
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Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited (ASX: TOY) has requested a voluntary suspension of its securities from trading on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), pending an important announcement regarding a capital raise.

Instant Summary:

  • Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited (ASX: TOY) requests voluntary suspension from trading.
  • Suspension is to finalize discussions on a capital raise.
  • Expected announcement on or before 10 July 2024.
  • No other information necessary to inform the market about the suspension.

Details of the Suspension

On 9 July 2024, Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited (ASX: TOY) requested a voluntary suspension of its securities from quotation on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). This request was made under ASX Listing Rule 17.2, which allows companies to request a suspension to manage significant corporate actions.

The company has stated that the suspension is necessary to allow time to finalize discussions related to a capital raise. The capital raise is expected to be a significant event for the company, potentially impacting its financial structure and future operations.

Timeline and Expectations

The suspension took effect immediately upon the commencement of trading on 9 July 2024. Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited has indicated that the suspension will remain in place until the company releases an announcement regarding the capital raise. This announcement is anticipated to occur on or before 10 July 2024.

In their communication to the ASX, Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited confirmed that they are not aware of any reason why the voluntary suspension should not be granted. They also stated that there is no additional information required to inform the market about the suspension.

Company Statement

Kim Larkin, the Company Secretary of Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited, signed off on the request, ensuring that all regulatory requirements were met. The company has emphasized that the suspension is a proactive measure to ensure that all necessary discussions and arrangements for the capital raise are completed efficiently and transparently.

Impact Analysis

The voluntary suspension of Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited's securities is a significant move that highlights the importance of the upcoming capital raise. This action is likely to have a mixed impact on the company's stock. On one hand, the capital raise could provide the necessary funds for expansion or debt reduction, which could be positive in the long term. On the other hand, the uncertainty during the suspension period might cause short-term volatility in the stock price.

Investor Reaction:

Initial reactions from investors and analysts have been cautious. Some investors are optimistic about the potential benefits of the capital raise, while others are concerned about the lack of immediate information and the potential dilution of shares. Analysts are closely watching the situation, with many expecting detailed insights once the official announcement is made.


Investors should stay tuned for the official announcement from Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited regarding the capital raise. This announcement will provide crucial details that could impact investment decisions. In the meantime, it's advisable to monitor the situation closely and consider the potential long-term benefits and risks associated with the capital raise.

Toys'R'Us ANZ Capital Raise Stock Market News ASX Trading Suspension