Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited - Convertible Notes Issuance to Mercer

TOYS'R'US ANZ LIMITED (TOY) Share Update July 2024 Tuesday 9th

Toys'R'Us ANZ Announces Convertible Notes Issuance to Mercer
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Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited (TOY) has announced the issuance of up to 863,500 convertible notes to Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund II LP (Mercer) as part of a convertible securities agreement. This move is aimed at raising funds to support the company's growth and operational infrastructure.

Instant Summary:

  • Issue of up to 863,500 convertible notes with a face value of $1 each.
  • Total investment amount of $785,000 from Mercer.
  • Funds to support investment in inventory, new brands, and technology.
  • Convertible notes have a maturity date of 15 months from issuance.
  • Convertible notes convertible at a minimum price of $0.05 per share.

Details of the Convertible Notes Issuance

Toys'R'Us ANZ Limited (TOY) has entered into a convertible securities agreement with Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund II LP (Mercer). Under this agreement, Mercer will advance an amount of $785,000 to TOY, and in return, TOY will issue up to 863,500 convertible notes with a face value of $1 each.

The convertible notes are issued with a maturity date of 15 months from the date of issuance. These notes are convertible into fully paid ordinary shares at a conversion price that is the lesser of 100% of the volume-weighted average price (VWAP) during the preceding ten trading days prior to the execution date, or 90% of the lowest VWAP during the preceding fifteen trading days prior to the notice of conversion by Mercer, subject to a minimum conversion price of $0.05 per share.

Purpose of the Funds

The funds raised from the issuance of these convertible notes will be primarily used to support the investment in inventory, the launch and acquisition of new brands, and the investment in technology to support TOY's operational infrastructure. This strategic move is aimed at enhancing the company's growth and delivering operational efficiency.

Impact on Shareholding Structure

The issuance of these convertible notes is not expected to have a material effect on the control of the company. The convertible notes will be issued exclusively to Mercer, and an application form will be provided to Mercer only. The total number of convertible notes on issue after this offer will be approximately 1,656,500.

Risk Factors

Investors should be aware that subscribing for convertible notes involves a number of risks. Key risks include the company's ability to manage its indebtedness, the need for additional funds in the future, potential operational risks, and the impact of supply chain disruptions. Additionally, the company's reliance on key personnel and the potential for changes in consumer demand are also significant risks.

Impact Analysis

The issuance of these convertible notes is a strategic move by Toys'R'Us ANZ to raise funds for its growth and operational needs. While this could potentially dilute existing shareholders' equity, the investment in new brands and technology could enhance the company's market position and operational efficiency. The convertible notes' conversion price being set at a minimum of $0.05 per share provides a safety net for investors, but the company's ability to manage its debt and operational risks will be crucial in determining the long-term impact on its stock price.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts have expressed a cautious optimism about the issuance of convertible notes. Some investors see this as a positive step towards the company's growth and operational efficiency, while others are concerned about the potential dilution of their equity. The market's reaction will largely depend on how effectively TOY utilizes the funds raised and manages the associated risks.


Investors should closely monitor the company's progress in utilizing the funds raised from the convertible notes issuance. The strategic investment in inventory, new brands, and technology could potentially enhance TOY's market position and operational efficiency. However, managing the associated risks will be crucial in determining the long-term impact on the company's stock price. Investors are encouraged to seek professional advice and consider their personal financial circumstances before making any investment decisions.

Toys'R'Us ANZ Convertible Notes Stock Market News Investment