Tivan Schedules Online Investor Briefing for Speewah Fluorite Project

TVN (TVN) Share Update August 2024 Friday 2nd

Tivan Announces Investor Briefing on Speewah Fluorite Project
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The Board of Tivan Limited (ASX: TVN) has announced an online briefing session to discuss the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) and project funding pathway for the Speewah Fluorite Project, along with a Human Resources update. The session will be hosted by Executive Chairman, Mr. Grant Wilson.

Instant Summary:

  • Online briefing scheduled for 2 August 2024 at 5.00pm AEST.
  • Discussion on Pre-Feasibility Study and project funding for Speewah Fluorite Project.
  • Human Resources update to be provided.
  • Hosted by Executive Chairman, Mr. Grant Wilson.
  • Replay of the briefing will be available.

Briefing Details

The Board of Tivan Limited (ASX: TVN) has scheduled an online investor briefing on 2 August 2024 at 5.00pm AEST. The briefing aims to provide detailed insights into the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) and the pathway to project funding for the Speewah Fluorite Project. Additionally, the session will include a Human Resources update.

The briefing will be hosted by Tivan's Executive Chairman, Mr. Grant Wilson. Investors can join the session through the provided Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84994647951. Questions for Mr. Wilson can be emailed to [email protected] before the event.

Speewah Fluorite Project

The Speewah Fluorite Project represents Tivan's pathway to generating free cash flow. The project is expected to benefit from a significant supply/demand imbalance in the global Fluorspar market, driven by new technologies and resource depletion in Asia.

The PFS outlines key financial metrics, including project free cash flow and resource expansion plans. The project aims to enhance its resource base, potentially adding to mine life and project throughput. Secondary paths include the production of Metspar as a by-product and the use of lower-grade ore towards the end of the mine life.

Market Dynamics

Leading market intelligence firms forecast a significant supply/demand imbalance in the Fluorspar market. Speewah is positioned as the only major greenfield Fluorspar project in a western-bloc country scheduled for delivery this decade. The project's proximity to Asian markets provides a durable competitive advantage, with offtake customers primarily based in Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan, and China.

Commodity Price Forecast

The PFS is underpinned by an empirical and transparent commodity price forecast. Current mid-prices of Fluorspar are above the long-term trend, with a forecasted price of $900/tonne by 2030. This forecast is supported by the supply/demand imbalance and cross-validated by balance of payments dynamics.

Project Funding

Tivan is working closely with Sumitomo Corporation to maximize government facilitation for the Speewah Fluorite Project in both Australia and Japan. This includes potential funding from the Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC) and the Japan Bank of International Cooperation.

Impact Analysis

The announcement of the investor briefing is likely to generate interest among investors, particularly those focused on the resources sector. The detailed discussion on the PFS and project funding pathway could provide clarity on the project's potential and financial viability. The expected supply/demand imbalance in the Fluorspar market could positively impact Tivan's stock as investors anticipate future gains.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the briefing positively, given the detailed insights into the PFS and project funding pathway. The potential for resource expansion and the project's strategic location in Asia are key factors that could drive investor interest. However, some investors may remain cautious until more concrete financial results are presented.


Investors should attend the online briefing on 2 August 2024 to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Speewah Fluorite Project and its potential impact on Tivan's future. The session will provide valuable insights into the project's financial metrics, market dynamics, and funding pathway. Staying informed on these developments will be crucial for making well-informed investment decisions.

Tivan Speewah Fluorite Project Investor Briefing Stock Market News Resources Sector