Tasman Resources Extends Pro-Rata Non-Renounceable Rights Offer Deadline

TAS (TAS) Share Update July 2024 Monday 22nd

Tasman Resources Extends Pro-Rata Rights Offer Deadline
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Tasman Resources Ltd (ASX: TAS) has announced an extension to the closing date for its current pro-rata non-renounceable rights offer, giving investors more time to participate.

Instant Summary:

  • Extension of rights offer deadline by 6 business days.
  • New closing date set for 2 August 2024 at 5:00pm WST.
  • Directors retain discretion to further extend or close the offer early.

Offer Extension Details

Tasman Resources Ltd (Tasman) has decided to extend the closing date for its ongoing pro-rata non-renounceable rights offer by 6 business days. The new deadline for acceptance and payment is now set for 5:00pm WST on 2 August 2024.

This extension provides additional time for qualifying shareholders to participate in the offer. The timetable for the offer remains subject to the discretion of the company's directors, who may choose to further extend the closing date or close the offer early if deemed necessary.

Updated Timetable

The revised timetable for the offer is as follows:

  • Offer announcement and Appendix 3B with ASX: 28 June 2024
  • Lodgement of Offer Document with ASX: 28 June 2024
  • Ex date: 2 July 2024
  • Record Date for determining entitlements: 3 July 2024
  • Offer document despatched to Qualifying Shareholders: 8 July 2024
  • Last date to extend the Closing Date of the Offer: 30 July 2024
  • Closing date of the Offer (acceptance and payment): 2 August 2024
  • If agreed by ASX, securities quoted on a deferred settlement basis: 5 August 2024
  • Last day for Company to notify ASX of undersubscriptions, issue date and dispatch of holding statements: 9 August 2024

These dates are indicative and may be subject to further changes at the discretion of the directors.

Impact Analysis

The extension of the rights offer deadline provides shareholders with additional time to consider their participation, which could potentially lead to higher subscription rates. This move may positively impact the company's stock as it shows flexibility and responsiveness to shareholder needs. However, the uncertainty regarding further extensions or early closure could introduce some volatility in the short term.

Investor Reaction:

Initial reactions from investors and analysts have been cautiously optimistic. Some investors appreciate the additional time to make informed decisions, while others are wary of the potential for further extensions. Overall, the market appears to view the extension as a positive step towards ensuring greater participation in the rights offer.


Investors should take advantage of the extended deadline to carefully evaluate their participation in the rights offer. Monitoring any further announcements from Tasman Resources will be crucial in making informed investment decisions. The company's approach to managing the offer period demonstrates a commitment to accommodating shareholder interests.

Tasman Resources Rights Offer Stock Market News ASX Announcements