Synlait Shareholders Approve Loan Resolution to Strengthen Financial Position

SM1 (SM1) Share Update July 2024 Thursday 11th

Synlait Shareholders Approve Critical Loan Resolution
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Synlait Milk Limited (NZX: SML, ASX: SM1) announced today that its shareholders have approved a crucial loan resolution aimed at bolstering the company's financial stability. This move marks a significant step in Synlait's efforts to reset its balance sheet and pave the way for future growth.

Instant Summary:

  • Shareholders approve the loan resolution with 99.59% in favor.
  • Resolution aims to reset Synlait’s balance sheet.
  • Synlait plans for an equity capital raising.
  • Bright Dairy supports the Board's turnaround actions.

Shareholders Approve Loan Resolution

At a special shareholders' meeting held on 11 July 2024, Synlait Milk Limited's shareholders overwhelmingly approved a critical loan resolution. The resolution received 104,788,057 votes in favor, representing 99.59% of the total votes cast. Only 429,962 votes were against the resolution, and 4,202 abstained.

The approved resolution allows Synlait to proceed with a shareholder loan as outlined in the Notice of Meeting dated 25 June 2024. This approval is in accordance with NZX Listing Rules 5.1.1(b) and 5.2.1.

Comments from Synlait Chair

Synlait Chair George Adams expressed gratitude to the shareholders for their support. 'The shareholder loan resolution was very important to Synlait’s future and completed the first step in resetting Synlait’s balance sheet,' he stated. Adams emphasized the company's commitment to providing further updates as the Board progresses its plans for an equity capital raising.

Bright Dairy's Perspective

Julia Zhu, a Director appointed by Bright Dairy, also commented on the outcome. 'Bright Dairy acknowledges today’s shareholder vote in support of the Board’s turnaround actions underway to restrengthen Synlait’s financial position. There is a stronger, healthier future for the business coming, and Bright Dairy is deeply committed to ensuring Synlait’s long-term success for all shareholders and its farmer suppliers,' she said.

Future Plans and Growth Potential

Synlait is optimistic about the future, particularly in its core Advanced Nutrition and Foodservice businesses, which have enormous growth potential. The company is committed to delivering on this potential for the benefit of its shareholders.

A replay of the Annual Meeting is available on the Synlait website for those who could not attend.

Impact Analysis

The approval of the loan resolution is a positive development for Synlait, as it provides the company with the financial flexibility needed to reset its balance sheet. This move is likely to bolster investor confidence and could positively impact the company's stock price. The planned equity capital raising will be a critical next step in ensuring long-term financial stability and growth.

Investor Reaction:

Investors and analysts have reacted positively to the news, viewing the approval as a necessary step for Synlait's financial health. The strong support from shareholders indicates confidence in the Board's strategy to turn around the company's financial position.


Investors should keep an eye on Synlait's upcoming plans for an equity capital raising and monitor further updates from the Board. The company's focus on its core businesses and commitment to financial stability make it a stock to watch in the coming months.

Synlait Milk Shareholder Meeting Loan Resolution Stock Market News Financial Stability