Spartan Resources: High-Grade Gold Discoveries and Major Capital Raising

SPARTAN RESOURCES LIMITED (SPR) Share Update July 2024 Monday 22nd

Spartan Resources Announces High-Grade Gold Discoveries and $80 Million Capital Raising
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Spartan Resources Ltd (ASX: SPR) has announced significant high-grade gold discoveries at its Dalgaranga Gold Project, alongside a successful $80 million capital raising. These developments are set to bolster the company's exploration and development activities in the coming quarters.

Instant Summary:

  • High-grade assays from Never Never Gold Deposit and Pepper Prospect.
  • Deepest-ever result from Dalgaranga Project: 10.50m @ 7.95g/t gold from 1,042.50m.
  • Successful $80 million capital raising: $69 million from institutional investors and $11 million from retail investors.
  • Development of underground exploration drill drive awarded to Barminco, starting Q3 2024.
  • Total cash and listed company investments at $93.8 million as of 30 June 2024.

Exploration and Growth

Spartan Resources has reported high-grade assay results from its Never Never Gold Deposit and the newly discovered Pepper Prospect. Key results include 12.54m @ 14.32g/t gold from 570.91m and 19.67m @ 19.43g/t gold from 765.33m at the Never Never Gold Deposit. The deepest-ever result from the Dalgaranga Project was also recorded: 10.50m @ 7.95g/t gold from 1,042.50m.

At the Pepper Prospect, significant assays include 17.52m @ 15.86g/t gold from 522.0m and 30.79m @ 12.12g/t gold from 647.67m. These discoveries are expected to enhance the company's resource base and exploration potential.

Corporate Developments

Spartan Resources successfully completed an $80 million capital raising, comprising a $69 million placement and an $11 million retail entitlement offer. This capital will support the company's extensive exploration and development programs, including the development of an underground exploration drill drive awarded to Barminco, set to commence in Q3 2024.

Operational and Financial Status

The company's total cash and listed company investments stood at $93.8 million as of 30 June 2024. The Dalgaranga process plant and associated infrastructure remained on care and maintenance, with ongoing activities to maintain the site.

Spartan Resources also reported a decrease in the Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) to zero, highlighting a sustained period of no reportable injuries.

Impact Analysis

The high-grade gold discoveries and successful capital raising are expected to positively impact Spartan Resources' stock price. The new discoveries enhance the company's resource base, while the capital raising provides the necessary funds for further exploration and development. Investor sentiment is likely to improve as the company progresses with its exploration plans and underground drill drive development.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts have reacted positively to the high-grade gold discoveries and the successful capital raising. The new discoveries at the Pepper Prospect and the deep results from the Never Never Gold Deposit have generated excitement among investors. The capital raising has also been well-received, providing confidence in the company's financial stability and future growth prospects.


Investors should closely monitor Spartan Resources' upcoming exploration activities and the development of the underground drill drive. The company's ability to deliver on its exploration and development plans will be crucial in maintaining investor confidence and driving stock price growth.

Spartan Resources Gold Discovery Capital Raising Dalgaranga Gold Project Stock Market News