Sparc Technologies Initiates FEED for Pioneering Hydrogen Pilot Plant

SPN (SPN) Share Update August 2024 Thursday 1st

Sparc Technologies Commences FEED for Innovative Hydrogen Pilot Plant
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Sparc Technologies Limited (ASX: SPN) has announced the commencement of front-end engineering and design (FEED) for its first-of-its-kind hydrogen pilot plant, marking a significant milestone in green hydrogen production.

Instant Summary:

  • FEED commenced for Sparc Hydrogen’s pilot plant.
  • Pilot plant to be located at University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy Campus.
  • Site approvals and long lead equipment orders underway.
  • Collaboration with Shinshu University to advance photocatalytic water splitting technology.

Introduction to the Pilot Plant

Sparc Technologies Limited, in collaboration with the University of Adelaide and Fortescue Limited, has initiated the front-end engineering and design (FEED) for a pioneering hydrogen pilot plant. The plant will be situated at the University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy Campus, approximately 50km north of Adelaide, South Australia. This project aims to revolutionize green hydrogen production through innovative photocatalytic water splitting technology.

Key Milestones and Progress

The decision to commence FEED follows several key milestones achieved in recent months. These include securing an in-principle agreement from the University of Adelaide to host the plant, progressing reactor design and engineering, and signing a Collaboration Framework Agreement with Shinshu University in Japan. These milestones represent significant de-risking of the pilot plant development, building on successful prototyping work completed at the CSIRO Energy Centre earlier this year.

FEED Study Details

Incitias Pty Ltd, a leading global engineering and commercial service provider, has been engaged to complete the FEED study. The study will build on the flowsheet developed during the pre-FEED phase, which included four linear Fresnel modules within an end-to-end green hydrogen production system. The plant will enable Sparc Hydrogen to independently and concurrently test different reactor designs and photocatalyst materials, a capability not found in any other facility worldwide.

Collaboration with Shinshu University

Sparc Hydrogen has executed a Collaboration Framework Agreement with Shinshu University to advance photocatalytic water splitting as a method to produce green hydrogen at a commercial scale. Shinshu University is a key participant in Japan’s ARPChem project, which has demonstrated the feasibility of producing hydrogen through photocatalytic water splitting over a significant area and time period. This collaboration aims to leverage Shinshu’s expertise in photocatalysts and Sparc Hydrogen’s solar reactor technology.

Pilot Plant Site Selection

The University of Adelaide’s Roseworthy Campus has been selected as the site for the pilot plant. This location was chosen based on several criteria, including infrastructure access, proximity for researchers, and ease of obtaining necessary approvals. The campus is known for its excellence in dryland agriculture, natural resource management, and animal production, making it an ideal setting for this innovative project.

Funding and Timeline

Sparc Hydrogen has secured funding to support the FEED costs, reactor manufacturing, site approvals, and procurement of solar concentrators. A final investment decision for the construction of the pilot plant is expected around the completion of the FEED study in early Q4 2024. Construction is planned to commence in Q4 2024 and be completed by Q1 2025. Additionally, Sparc Hydrogen has submitted a CRC-P grant application, which, if successful, will provide further funding for the pilot plant construction and research and development.

Impact Analysis

The commencement of FEED for the hydrogen pilot plant is a significant step forward for Sparc Technologies and the green hydrogen industry. This project has the potential to position Sparc as a leader in innovative hydrogen production, which could positively impact its stock price. The collaboration with Shinshu University also enhances the credibility and potential success of the project.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view this announcement positively, given the innovative nature of the project and its potential to address global energy challenges. The successful completion of the FEED study and subsequent construction of the pilot plant could lead to increased investor confidence and interest in Sparc Technologies.


Investors should keep a close eye on the progress of Sparc Technologies' hydrogen pilot plant. The successful implementation of this project could have significant implications for the company's future and the broader green hydrogen market. Stay informed and consider the potential long-term benefits of investing in innovative green technologies.

Sparc Technologies Hydrogen Pilot Plant Green Hydrogen Stock Market News Renewable Energy