South Harz Potash Ltd: $2.97 Million Entitlement Issue to Fund Potash Development

SHP (SHP) Share Update August 2024 Friday 9th

South Harz Potash Ltd Announces $2.97 Million Entitlement Issue
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South Harz Potash Ltd (ASX: SHP) has announced a pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement issue to raise up to $2,966,894. The funds will be used to advance the development of its Ohmgebirge potash project and for working capital.

Instant Summary:

  • Entitlement issue of one share for every three shares held.
  • Issue price of $0.01 per share.
  • Aims to raise up to $2,966,894.
  • Funds to be used for technical and business running costs, working capital, and expenses of the offer.

Details of the Entitlement Issue

South Harz Potash Ltd (SHP) is offering its shareholders the opportunity to participate in a pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement issue. Shareholders registered at the record date will be entitled to subscribe for one new share for every three shares held at an issue price of $0.01 per share. The offer aims to raise up to $2,966,894 based on the current number of shares on issue.

The entitlement issue is designed to provide existing shareholders with the opportunity to increase their investment in the company at an attractive price. The funds raised will be directed towards advancing the Ohmgebirge potash project, including technical and business running costs, and for general working capital purposes.

Purpose and Use of Funds

The primary purpose of the entitlement issue is to fund the ongoing development of the Ohmgebirge potash project. Specifically, the funds will be allocated as follows:

  • Technical and business running costs, including internal value engineering and evaluation of strategic alternatives towards a definitive feasibility study (DFS): $2,100,000 (70.8%).
  • Working capital: $646,894 (21.8%).
  • Expenses of the offer: $220,000 (7.4%).

Impact on Shareholders

Shareholders who choose to participate in the entitlement issue will be able to purchase additional shares at a discounted price, potentially increasing their overall investment in the company. However, those who do not participate will experience dilution of their shareholding by approximately 25%.

The entitlement issue is non-renounceable, meaning shareholders cannot sell or transfer their entitlements. Any entitlements not taken up will form part of the shortfall offer, which may be allocated to other shareholders or third parties at the discretion of the company.

Key Dates

The key dates for the entitlement issue are as follows:

  • Lodgement of Prospectus with the ASIC: 9 August 2024
  • Record Date for determining entitlements: 15 August 2024
  • Offer opening date: 20 August 2024
  • Closing Date: 5 September 2024
  • Issue date and lodgement of Appendix 2A with ASX: 12 September 2024
  • Quotation of Shares issued under the Offer: 13 September 2024
Impact Analysis

The entitlement issue is expected to provide South Harz Potash Ltd with the necessary funds to advance its Ohmgebirge potash project, which is crucial for the company's growth strategy. The successful completion of the entitlement issue will strengthen the company's financial position and enable it to progress towards a definitive feasibility study.

However, the dilution effect on non-participating shareholders may impact investor sentiment, and the company's share price could be influenced by the market's perception of the entitlement issue's success.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts have noted that the entitlement issue is a positive step for South Harz Potash Ltd as it seeks to advance its key project. The discounted issue price may attract significant interest from existing shareholders, although the dilution effect on non-participating shareholders could be a concern for some investors.


Investors should consider participating in the entitlement issue to take advantage of the discounted share price and support the company's growth strategy. Monitoring the progress of the Ohmgebirge potash project and the company's financial position will be crucial in assessing the long-term value of this investment.

South Harz Potash Ltd Entitlement Issue Stock Market News Potash Development