Sims Limited: Strong Q1 FY25 Forecast Amid Market Challenges

SGM (SGM) Share Update September 2024 Wednesday 18th

Sims Limited Projects Strong Q1 FY25 Performance Amid Market Challenges
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Sims Limited (ASX: SGM, USOTC: SMSMY) has announced an optimistic forecast for its Metal businesses in Q1 FY25, projecting a strong EBIT despite ongoing market challenges.

Instant Summary:

  • Projected EBIT of approximately $55 million for Q1 FY25.
  • North America Metal (NAM) expected to deliver $29 million in EBIT.
  • SA Recycling's EBIT estimated at $24 million.
  • Australia and New Zealand Metal (ANZ) projected to contribute $13 million in EBIT.
  • CEO Stephen Mikkelsen highlights successful strategy execution.

Q1 FY25 Performance Projections

Sims Limited has provided guidance on the expected Q1 FY25 trading performance of its Metal businesses. Despite ongoing market challenges across all regions, the company projects an estimated EBIT of approximately $55 million for the first quarter of FY25.

North America Metal (NAM)

North America Metal (NAM) is expected to make a significant contribution to this positive outlook, with an estimated EBIT of $29 million and a trading margin of 22%. This performance builds on the improvement seen in the latter part of FY24, where NAM delivered an EBIT of $12 million in Q4 FY24, following a loss of $15 million in Q3 FY24. NAM's recent success is attributed to the effective execution of its revised strategy focusing on margin, including buying more unprocessed material and targeting favorable markets.

SA Recycling

SA Recycling's performance remains robust, with Sims' 50% share of SA Recycling's earnings expected to deliver an EBIT of $24 million for Q1 FY25, above its 2H FY24 run rate and at a trading margin of 29%.

Australia and New Zealand Metal (ANZ)

Australia and New Zealand Metal (ANZ) continue to face challenging market conditions, impacted by increased Chinese exports into Asia and a slowdown in the domestic market. Despite these challenges, ANZ is projected to contribute an EBIT of $13 million for Q1 FY25, marking a solid start to the fiscal year with an expected trading margin of 27%.

CEO's Remarks

Stephen Mikkelsen, CEO and Managing Director of Sims Limited, commented on the announcement, stating, 'It is encouraging to see the improved performance of our Metal businesses despite the challenging market conditions, particularly as we refocused our portfolio. I am especially pleased with the strong results in NAM, which highlight the successful execution of our strategy in a difficult market and the team's commitment to organizational adjustments.'

Important Considerations

It is important to note that the Q1 FY25 estimates are unaudited and remain subject to shipping schedules and adjustments. The estimates may not fully reflect future earnings due to ongoing market volatility.

Impact Analysis

The projected strong performance in Q1 FY25 is a positive indicator for Sims Limited, especially given the challenging market conditions. The significant improvement in NAM's performance and the robust results from SA Recycling are likely to boost investor confidence. However, the ongoing challenges faced by ANZ and the potential volatility in market conditions may temper overall investor sentiment.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the announcement positively, particularly the strong performance in NAM and SA Recycling. The company's strategic focus on margin and market targeting appears to be yielding tangible results. However, some caution may remain due to the challenges faced by ANZ and the potential impact of market volatility on future earnings.


Investors should closely monitor Sims Limited's performance in the coming quarters to assess the sustainability of the positive trends observed in Q1 FY25. The company's strategic execution and ability to navigate market challenges will be crucial in maintaining investor confidence.

Sims Limited Q1 FY25 Performance Stock Market News Metal Recycling Industry