Resources & Energy Group Limited Requests Trading Halt for Capital Raising Announcement

RESOURCES & ENERGY GROUP LIMITED (REZ) Share Update August 2024 Friday 2nd

Resources & Energy Group Limited Requests Trading Halt Pending Major Announcement
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Resources & Energy Group Limited (ASX: REZ) has requested a trading halt on its securities pending a significant announcement related to capital raising.

Instant Summary:

  • REZ requests trading halt effective from 2 August 2024.
  • Trading halt pending a major capital raising announcement.
  • Halt to remain until 6 August 2024 or until the announcement is made.
  • REZ is not aware of any reasons why the halt should not be granted.

Trading Halt Details

Resources & Energy Group Limited (ASX: REZ) has requested a trading halt on its ordinary shares, effective from the commencement of trading on 2 August 2024. This request is in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 17.1.

The trading halt is requested pending an important announcement related to a capital raising initiative. The halt will remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday, 6 August 2024, or when the announcement is released to the market.

Reason for the Trading Halt

REZ has indicated that the trading halt is necessary to prevent trading on an uninformed basis while the company finalizes its capital raising plans. The company has assured that it is not aware of any reason why the trading halt should not be granted, nor is there any other information necessary to inform the market about the halt.

Next Steps

The company has committed to releasing the announcement as soon as possible and has requested that the trading halt be lifted once the announcement is made. Investors are advised to stay tuned for further updates from REZ regarding the capital raising initiative.

Impact Analysis

The trading halt indicates that Resources & Energy Group Limited is preparing for a significant capital raising effort. This could have a substantial impact on the company's stock price, depending on the details of the capital raising. Investors may react positively if the capital raising is seen as a strategic move to strengthen the company's financial position.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the trading halt as a precautionary measure to ensure fair trading. The reaction will largely depend on the specifics of the capital raising announcement. If the terms are favorable, it could boost investor confidence and lead to a positive market response.


Investors should keep an eye on the upcoming announcement from Resources & Energy Group Limited regarding its capital raising plans. The outcome of this initiative could have significant implications for the company's stock performance. Stay informed and be prepared to make timely investment decisions based on the new information.

Resources & Energy Group Trading Halt Capital Raising Stock Market News