Regener8 Resources Quarterly Report - Key Developments in East Ponton and Kookynie Gold Projects

R8R (R8R) Share Update July 2024 Wednesday 24th

Regener8 Resources Announces Key Developments in East Ponton and Kookynie Gold Projects
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Regener8 Resources NL (ASX: R8R) has released its quarterly activities report for the period ending 30 June 2024, detailing significant advancements in its East Ponton and Kookynie Gold Projects.

Instant Summary:

  • Extension of the option agreement for Grasshopper and Seven Sisters prospects.
  • Execution of a Heritage Agreement with the Upurli Upurli Nguratja Aboriginal Corporation.
  • Ongoing independent geological review of the Kookynie Gold Project.
  • Release of 16,446,250 shares from escrow.

Granting of Strategic Tenements

On 6 July 2023, Regener8 Resources entered into a 12-month option to acquire the Grasshopper and Seven Sisters prospects from Beau Resources Pty Limited, located within the East Ponton Project. This option has been extended by six months, giving the company until 4 January 2025 to exercise the option. No additional consideration is required for this extension.

East Ponton Heritage Agreement Executed

Regener8 has executed a Heritage Agreement with the Upurli Upurli Nguratja Aboriginal Corporation (UUNAC), which holds native title rights in the East Ponton project area. This agreement allows Regener8 to conduct cultural heritage surveys and prepare for drilling at priority targets. As part of the agreement, UUNAC is eligible to receive up to 1 million shares in Regener8 upon achieving specific milestones.

Kookynie Gold Project Review

An independent geological review of the Kookynie Gold Project is ongoing. Recent findings by Newexco confirm the prospectivity of the project, particularly at the May and Green Bullet prospects. Historical high-grade intersections and recent drilling results warrant further exploration.

Corporate Developments

During the quarter, Regener8 released 16,446,250 shares from escrow. Additionally, the company continues to explore complementary project opportunities to enhance shareholder value.

Impact Analysis

The extension of the option agreement and the execution of the Heritage Agreement are positive developments for Regener8 Resources, potentially leading to significant exploration activities in the East Ponton project area. The ongoing review of the Kookynie Gold Project could also uncover valuable resources, boosting investor confidence. However, the market reaction may be cautious until more concrete results are available.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts have noted the strategic importance of the East Ponton and Kookynie Gold Projects. Investors are optimistic about the potential for new discoveries but are awaiting further drilling results and resource estimates.


Investors should keep an eye on Regener8 Resources' upcoming drilling programs and further announcements regarding the East Ponton and Kookynie Gold Projects. These developments could significantly impact the company's stock performance and long-term prospects.

Regener8 Resources East Ponton Project Kookynie Gold Project Stock Market News Mining Exploration