Raptis Group Limited - Quarterly Cash Flow Report - 30 June 2024

RAPTIS GROUP LIMITED (RPG) Share Update July 2024 Monday 29th

Raptis Group Limited Releases Quarterly Cash Flow Report
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Raptis Group Limited (ASX: RGL) has released its quarterly cash flow report for the period ending 30 June 2024, highlighting key financial activities and cash flow movements.

Instant Summary:

  • Net cash from operating activities: $11,513.
  • Payments for product manufacturing and operating costs: $100,784.
  • Payments for administration and corporate costs: $61,564.
  • Net cash used in investing activities: $100,000.
  • Cash and cash equivalents at end of period: $256,146.

Operating Activities

Raptis Group Limited reported net cash inflows from operating activities amounting to $11,513 for the current quarter. The company received $173,861 from customers while making payments of $100,784 for product manufacturing and operating costs, and $61,564 for administration and corporate costs.

These figures indicate a positive cash flow from core business operations, contributing to a year-to-date net cash inflow of $95,682 from operating activities.

Investing Activities

In terms of investing activities, Raptis Group Limited used $100,000 to acquire property, plant, and equipment. This resulted in a net cash outflow of $100,000 for the quarter, consistent with the year-to-date outflow in this category.

Financing Activities

There were no significant financing activities reported for the quarter. The company did not issue any equity securities or debt, nor did it undertake any borrowing or repayment activities.

Cash Position

As of 30 June 2024, Raptis Group Limited reported cash and cash equivalents of $256,146. This reflects a slight decrease from the previous quarter, primarily due to the net cash outflow from investing activities.

Related Party Transactions

The report also noted payments of $100,000 to related parties and their associates, which were included in the investing activities. These payments were made for acquiring property, plant, and equipment.

Impact Analysis

The quarterly cash flow report indicates a stable financial position for Raptis Group Limited, with positive cash flow from operating activities. However, the net cash outflow from investing activities may raise concerns among investors about the company's capital expenditure and its impact on future cash reserves.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts have generally viewed the report as a positive indication of Raptis Group Limited's operational efficiency. However, some investors are cautious about the ongoing capital expenditures and their potential impact on the company's liquidity.


Investors should keep an eye on Raptis Group Limited's future financial reports to assess the long-term impact of its capital expenditures. Monitoring the company's cash flow trends and strategic investments will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Raptis Group Quarterly Cash Flow Stock Market News Financial Report