PNX Metals Court Approval for Scheme Meeting and Booklet Distribution

PNX (PNX) Share Update July 2024 Wednesday 17th

PNX Metals Announces Court Approval for Scheme Meeting
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PNX Metals Limited (ASX: PNX) has announced that the Supreme Court of Western Australia has approved the convening of a scheme meeting and the distribution of the scheme booklet for the proposed acquisition by KIN Mining NL (ASX: KIN).

Instant Summary:

  • Court approves PNX Metals to hold a scheme meeting.
  • Scheme booklet distribution also approved.
  • Scheme meeting scheduled for 27 August 2024.
  • PNX shareholders encouraged to vote on the scheme.

Scheme Meeting and Booklet Approval

PNX Metals Limited (ASX: PNX) announced that the Supreme Court of Western Australia has approved the convening of a scheme meeting and the distribution of the scheme booklet. This is in relation to the proposed acquisition of all fully paid ordinary shares in PNX by KIN Mining NL (ASX: KIN) through a scheme of arrangement.

The court's orders include the convening of a meeting of PNX shareholders to consider and vote on the scheme, and the approval of the distribution of the scheme booklet, which provides detailed information about the scheme and the notice of the scheme meeting.

Details of the Scheme Meeting

The scheme meeting will be held in person at 12:00pm ACST on 27 August 2024 at Level 3, 170 Frome Street, Adelaide, South Australia. Shareholders recorded in PNX's register of members as of 5:00pm ACST on 25 August 2024 will be entitled to vote at the meeting.

Shareholders are encouraged to vote either by attending in person, appointing an attorney or corporate representative, or by completing and returning the proxy form as per the instructions provided in the scheme booklet.

Scheme Booklet Distribution

The scheme booklet will be available on the company's website and the ASX website following registration by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. It includes an independent expert's report by Grant Thornton Corporate Finance Pty Ltd and the notice of the scheme meeting.

The booklet, along with a personalized proxy form, will be distributed to shareholders either by post, email, or a letter with directions on how to access and view the booklet, depending on their communication preferences.

Independent Directors' Recommendation

The independent directors of PNX Metals, Graham Ascough, James Fox, and Hans-Jörg Schmidt, unanimously recommend that shareholders vote in favor of the scheme, in the absence of a superior proposal and subject to the independent expert's conclusion that the scheme is in the best interests of shareholders.

Each independent director intends to vote, or cause to be voted, all shares they hold or control in favor of the scheme at the meeting.

Impact Analysis

The court's approval is a significant step forward for the proposed acquisition of PNX Metals by KIN Mining NL. This development is likely to have a positive impact on PNX's stock as it moves closer to finalizing the acquisition. The recommendation by the independent directors further strengthens the case for shareholder approval, which could lead to increased investor confidence and a potential rise in stock value.

Investor Reaction:

Investors and analysts have generally reacted positively to the court's approval, viewing it as a crucial milestone in the acquisition process. The independent directors' recommendation has been seen as a strong endorsement of the scheme's benefits for shareholders.


Investors should carefully read the scheme booklet and consider the independent expert's report before voting. The upcoming scheme meeting on 27 August 2024 is a critical event for PNX shareholders, and their participation is essential. Stay informed and make your vote count.

PNX Metals KIN Mining Stock Market News Acquisition Scheme Meeting