OncoSil Medical's Breakthrough in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in Türkiye

OSL (OSL) Share Update August 2024 Thursday 15th

OncoSil Medical Announces Successful Pancreatic Tumor Resection in Türkiye
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OncoSil Medical Limited (ASX:OSL) has announced a significant milestone in the treatment of pancreatic cancer with the successful surgical resection of a tumor in Türkiye using their innovative OncoSil™ device.

Instant Summary:

  • First patient commercially treated with OncoSil™ device in Türkiye undergoes successful tumor resection.
  • The milestone supports OncoSil's global expansion and effectiveness in new international markets.
  • OncoSil is collaborating with additional institutions in Türkiye to expand patient access.

Successful Treatment in Türkiye

OncoSil Medical Limited has achieved a significant milestone with the successful surgical resection of a pancreatic tumor in the first patient commercially treated with the OncoSil™ device at Memorial Hospital in Istanbul, Türkiye. This development marks a promising advance in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, demonstrating the effectiveness of the OncoSil™ device in combination with chemotherapy.

The patient, initially diagnosed with unresectable locally advanced pancreatic cancer, underwent treatment with the OncoSil™ device combined with chemotherapy. Following this treatment, the tumor was reduced to a size and state that allowed for surgical resection. The surgery was performed by Prof. Dr. Koray Acarli, a renowned specialist in pancreatic surgery.

Expert Opinions

Prof. Dr. Koray Acarli commented on the achievement, stating, 'The successful resection following OncoSil™ treatment is a testament to the device's ability to enhance the efficacy of conventional therapies. This breakthrough offers new hope for patients who were previously considered inoperable, and we are excited about the future possibilities this treatment combination holds.'

Prof. Dr. Cuneyt Turkmen, a leading Nuclear Medicine physician who administered the OncoSil™ treatment, also expressed optimism: 'The application of the OncoSil™ device in this patient has provided a new avenue for treatment, enabling the reduction of the tumor to a resectable state. This case highlights the potential of OncoSil™ to transform the treatment landscape for patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer.'

Company's Perspective

OncoSil Medical CEO & Managing Director, Nigel Lange, shared his enthusiasm: 'We are thrilled to see the positive outcome from the first use of the OncoSil™ device in Türkiye. This achievement underscores the global potential of OncoSil™ to improve the lives of patients battling pancreatic cancer. We look forward to advancing our clinical program and bringing this innovative treatment option to more patients worldwide.'

Impact Analysis

The successful resection in Türkiye is a significant validation of the OncoSil™ device's effectiveness. This milestone could positively impact OncoSil Medical's stock as it demonstrates the device's potential to improve outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients. The expansion into new international markets like Türkiye showcases the device's global applicability and could lead to increased investor confidence.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view this development positively, as it highlights the effectiveness of the OncoSil™ device and its potential to expand into new markets. The successful treatment in Türkiye may boost investor sentiment and confidence in the company's growth prospects.


Investors should keep an eye on OncoSil Medical's continued expansion and clinical advancements. The successful resection in Türkiye is a promising sign of the device's potential to transform pancreatic cancer treatment. Stay informed on further developments and consider the long-term impact on your investment portfolio.

OncoSil Medical Pancreatic Cancer Medical Devices Stock Market News Healthcare