Omega Oil and Gas Secures Potential Commercial Areas for Canyon Gas Project

OMA (OMA) Share Update July 2024 Sunday 21st

Omega Oil and Gas Secures Key Tenure for Canyon Gas Project
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Omega Oil and Gas (ASX: OMA) has announced a major milestone for its Canyon Gas Project in the Taroom Trough, securing Potential Commercial Areas (PCA) 342 and 343, providing long-term tenure security and paving the way for future commercial production.

Instant Summary:

  • PCA 342 and 343 declared over Omega's Canyon Gas Project area.
  • Areas cover ATP 2037 and ATP 2038, with significant gas resources.
  • PCA designation valid for 15 years, ensuring tenure security.
  • Omega plans to drill and flow-test the Canyon-1H well starting in late August.
  • Potential to significantly impact the East Coast Gas Market by addressing future supply deficits.

Key Details of the Announcement

On 19 July 2024, the Queensland Minister for Resources' delegate declared Potential Commercial Areas (PCA) 342 and 343 over Omega Oil and Gas' Canyon Gas Project area in the Taroom Trough. This declaration covers the entire areas of Authority to Prospect (ATP) 2037 and ATP 2038, securing all the gross contingent gas resources independently assessed by Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc. (NSAI) on 23 October 2023.

The PCA designation is valid for the maximum legislative duration of 15 years, providing Omega with significant tenure security and removing any relinquishment requirement during this period. This decision underscores the positive technical and commercial attributes of Omega's project area, indicating a realistic chance of reaching commercial production.

Technical and Commercial Significance

Omega's interim CEO, Trevor Brown, emphasized the importance of this designation, stating that it supports Omega's planned investment to de-risk the highly prospective, multi-TCF, deep gas play in the Southern Taroom Trough. The Canyon-1H well, scheduled to commence drilling in late August, will apply modern horizontal drilling and multi-stage stimulation technology, which has been successful in analogous basins.

The PCA's cover a total area of 1,056 square kilometers, and the presence of the hydrocarbon-bearing Kianga formation across the entire ATP area was crucial for this declaration. Additional hydrocarbon-bearing formations, such as the Black Creek group, are also present but have yet to be fully assessed.

Future Prospects and Investment

The Evaluation Plan for both PCA's includes geological and commercial activities with an estimated cost of $5.5 million over 15 years. These activities will be in addition to those approved in the Later Work Plans for ATP 2037 and ATP 2038. Omega's focus on drilling and flow-testing the Canyon-1H well aims to unlock significant petroleum resources and advance towards commercial production.

Commercial production from the Southern Taroom Trough could be a game-changer for the East Coast Gas Market, addressing substantial and persistent supply deficits predicted by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) from 2027 onwards.

Impact Analysis

The designation of PCA's 342 and 343 is a significant positive development for Omega Oil and Gas. The long-term tenure security and the potential for substantial gas resources enhance Omega's prospects for commercial production. This announcement is likely to boost investor confidence and positively impact Omega's stock price. The planned drilling and flow-testing of the Canyon-1H well will be closely watched by investors and analysts, as successful results could further drive the stock's performance.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts and investors have reacted positively to the news, highlighting the importance of tenure security and the potential for significant gas production. The 15-year PCA designation provides Omega with the stability needed to pursue its ambitious plans for the Canyon Gas Project. Investors are particularly interested in the upcoming drilling and flow-testing activities, which could provide critical insights into the project's commercial viability.


Omega Oil and Gas' successful securing of PCA's 342 and 343 marks a pivotal step forward for the Canyon Gas Project. Investors should monitor the progress of the Canyon-1H well and the subsequent developments closely. The potential impact on the East Coast Gas Market and Omega's stock performance makes this an exciting opportunity for investors. Stay informed and consider the long-term prospects of Omega's ambitious plans.

Omega Oil and Gas Canyon Gas Project Stock Market News Energy Sector Gas Exploration