Nex Metals and Metalicity Ltd Finalize Agreements for Kookynie and Yundamindra Joint Venture

NEX METALS EXPLORATION LIMITED (NME) Share Update July 2024 Friday 12th

Nex Metals and Metalicity Ltd Finalize Joint Venture Agreements
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Nex Metals Explorations Ltd (ASX: NME) and Metalicity Ltd (ASX: MCT) have successfully finalized their joint venture agreements, resolving previous disputes and setting the stage for future collaborations at the Kookynie and Yundamindra sites.

Instant Summary:

  • Finalization of joint venture agreements between Nex Metals and Metalicity.
  • Resolution of disputes between the two companies.
  • Nex Metals holds a 20% interest in the JV, while Metalicity holds 80%.
  • Focus on tailings at Kookynie and exploration of new acquisitions.

Finalization of Agreements

Nex Metals Explorations Ltd (ASX: NME) and Metalicity Ltd (ASX: MCT) have announced the successful finalization of their joint venture agreements. All conditions have been satisfied or waived, bringing an end to the disputes between the two companies. This marks a significant step forward for both Nex Metals and Metalicity, allowing them to focus on their joint ventures at Kookynie and Yundamindra.

The formal agreements have been a long time coming, with both companies working diligently to resolve their differences. Nex Metals now holds a 20% interest in the joint venture, while Metalicity holds the remaining 80%. This distribution of interests sets a clear path for future collaboration and development at the joint venture sites.

Focus on Kookynie and Yundamindra

With the agreements finalized, Nex Metals will prioritize work on the tailings at Kookynie. The company will also focus on exploring its recent acquisitions in the area. This strategic focus is expected to yield significant results, enhancing the value of the joint venture and providing new opportunities for growth.

The Kookynie and Yundamindra sites are rich in resources, and the joint venture aims to capitalize on these assets. By working together, Nex Metals and Metalicity can leverage their combined expertise and resources to maximize the potential of these sites.

Impact Analysis

The finalization of the joint venture agreements is a positive development for both Nex Metals and Metalicity. Resolving the disputes allows both companies to move forward with their plans, which is likely to have a favorable impact on their stock prices. Investors may view this as a sign of stability and potential growth, leading to increased confidence in the companies' future prospects.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts have reacted positively to the news, noting that the resolution of disputes and finalization of agreements are important steps for both companies. Investors are likely to be encouraged by the clear path forward and the potential for growth at the Kookynie and Yundamindra sites.


Investors should keep an eye on the developments at the Kookynie and Yundamindra sites as Nex Metals and Metalicity move forward with their joint venture. The finalization of agreements and resolution of disputes are significant milestones that set the stage for future success. Staying informed about the progress of these projects will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Nex Metals Metalicity Ltd Joint Venture Stock Market News Mining Industry