Navarre Minerals Limited Quarterly Report: External Administration and Financial Update

NML (NML) Share Update July 2024 Wednesday 10th

Navarre Minerals Limited Undergoes External Administration Amid Financial Struggles
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Navarre Minerals Limited (ASX: NML) has released its quarterly report for the period ending December 31, 2023, detailing ongoing external administration and financial challenges.

Instant Summary:

  • Navarre Minerals Limited continues under external administration as per the Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA).
  • No exploration activities were conducted on the company's tenements during the quarter.
  • The company launched a competitive sale process for its remaining mineral tenements.
  • Navarre received a $60,000 loan from Non-Executive Director James Gurry to cover legal and other fees.
  • As of December 31, 2023, the company's cash balance stood at $85,000.

External Administration

During the quarter, Navarre Minerals Limited continued under external administration in accordance with the Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) executed on October 18, 2023. The DOCA was agreed upon in September at the Second Meeting of Creditors and was signed by the Directors as deed proponents.

Under the DOCA, the remaining mineral tenements were subjected to a competitive sale process conducted by the external administrator, with the eventual recapitalization of the company being envisaged.

Projects and Exploration

During the quarter ending December 2023, there were no activities on the Group's tenements. This lack of activity is indicative of the company's ongoing financial struggles and the focus on administrative processes.

Corporate Developments

On November 21, 2023, the Deed Administrator formally launched the Mining Tenement Sale by circulating an Initial Information Pack to interested parties. This step is crucial for the potential recapitalization and future operations of Navarre Minerals Limited.

On December 4, 2023, Non-Executive Director and Deed Proponent Mr. James Gurry loaned the Deed Administrator $60,000 to cover legal and other fees incurred in relation to the DOCA. This loan is expected to be settled in cash or shares, subject to agreement with Mr. Gurry, the board, and shareholder approval.

Financial Summary

As of December 31, 2023, the books and records of the Administrators indicate that Navarre Minerals Limited had cash balances of $85,000. The company's major cash flow movements for the quarter included employee, administration, and corporate costs amounting to $126,000, net funds received from Navarre Minerals Queensland Pty Ltd and the Mt Carlton operations totaling $25,000, and proceeds from borrowings amounting to $60,000.

Payments to Related Parties

During the December 2023 quarter, no salaries or fees (including superannuation) were paid to related parties and their associates. This is a significant point for investors to note, as it indicates a focus on minimizing expenses during this period of financial restructuring.

Impact Analysis

The continuation of external administration and the competitive sale process for Navarre Minerals Limited's tenements are critical steps towards the company's potential recapitalization. However, the lack of exploration activities and the financial struggles highlighted in the report may negatively impact investor confidence in the short term.

The $60,000 loan from Non-Executive Director James Gurry demonstrates a commitment to covering necessary expenses, but it also underscores the company's reliance on external financial support during this period. The cash balance of $85,000 as of December 31, 2023, indicates limited liquidity, which could be a concern for investors.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts and investors are likely to have mixed reactions to this report. While the steps taken under the DOCA and the competitive sale process for tenements show a structured approach to addressing financial challenges, the lack of exploration activities and the reliance on loans may raise concerns about the company's long-term viability.


Investors should closely monitor Navarre Minerals Limited's progress under the DOCA and the outcomes of the competitive sale process for its tenements. The company's ability to secure additional funding and successfully recapitalize will be crucial for its future operations and investor confidence.

Navarre Minerals External Administration Stock Market News Mining Industry