Metallica Minerals Limited - Quarterly Report Highlights for June 2024

METALLICA MINERALS LIMITED (MLM) Share Update July 2024 Tuesday 30th

Metallica Minerals Announces Key Updates in Quarterly Report
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Metallica Minerals Limited (ASX: MLM) has released its quarterly report for June 2024, detailing major corporate changes, project updates, and financial standings.

Instant Summary:

  • Board changes with new appointments and resignations.
  • Diatreme Resources Limited now holds over 90% of Metallica Minerals' shares.
  • The Independent Board Committee recommends shareholders accept Diatreme's takeover offer.
  • Cape Flattery Silica Project updates and environmental impact statement progress.
  • Cash balance of $2.3 million with no debt.

Corporate Changes

As of June 30, 2024, Metallica Minerals Limited has undergone significant board changes. Theo Psaros and Mark Bojanjac resigned as directors on July 8, 2024, and were replaced by Stephen Everett as Independent Non-Executive Chairman, Greg Starr as Managing Director, and Mike Chapman as Non-Executive Director. Brad Sampson remains as an Independent Non-Executive Director.

Diatreme Resources Takeover

On July 30, 2024, Diatreme Resources Limited announced it had acquired over 90% of Metallica Minerals' shares. The Independent Board Committee, consisting of Stephen Everett and Brad Sampson, recommended that shareholders accept Diatreme's takeover offer on July 10, 2024. This recommendation was detailed in the Fifth Supplementary Target's Statement.

Project Updates

Metallica Minerals' Cape Flattery Silica Project, adjacent to Mitsubishi's world-class silica sand mining operation, saw the publication of the draft Terms of Reference for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) by the Queensland Office of the Coordinator-General. Public and agency comments were invited until July 8, 2024. The project development works were temporarily suspended during the Diatreme takeover process, though monthly water monitoring continued.

Financial and Cash Flow Update

As of June 30, 2024, Metallica Minerals reported a cash balance of $2.3 million with no debt. Significant cash outflows during the quarter included $210k for exploration and evaluation expenses, and $299k for director fees and the Executive Chairman's salary. The company's cash inflows for the quarter amounted to $39k from interest payments.

Traditional Landowner Update

During the June 2024 quarter, the mediation process with the National Native Title Tribunal involving the Dingaal and Nguurruumungu Clans, the State of Queensland, and Metallica's subsidiary Cape Flattery Silica Pty Ltd was put on hold. All parties were notified of the suspension.

Impact Analysis

The announcement of Diatreme Resources Limited acquiring over 90% of Metallica Minerals' shares is a significant development. This takeover is likely to influence Metallica's stock price as investors react to the consolidation. The recommendation by the Independent Board Committee to accept the offer further solidifies the takeover's impact. Additionally, the ongoing progress in the Cape Flattery Silica Project's environmental impact assessment could have long-term positive effects on the company's valuation.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the takeover by Diatreme Resources positively, as it brings stability and potential for growth under new management. However, some investors may be cautious about the temporary suspension of project development works at Cape Flattery. Overall, the recommendation to accept the takeover offer is expected to be well-received by shareholders.


Investors should closely monitor the finalization of the Diatreme takeover and the progress of the Cape Flattery Silica Project. These developments are crucial for assessing the long-term potential of Metallica Minerals. Staying informed about the company's strategic decisions will be essential for making well-informed investment choices.

Metallica Minerals Quarterly Report Stock Market News Mining Industry Diatreme Resources