M3 Mining Adjusts Placement Pricing to Support Exploration and Potential Acquisitions

M3 MINING LIMITED (M3M) Share Update July 2024 Monday 22nd

M3 Mining Revises Tranche 2 Placement Pricing to Fund Exploration
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M3 Mining Limited (ASX:M3M) has announced a revision in the pricing of its tranche 2 placement to $0.045 per share, aimed at funding exploration activities and potential acquisitions.

Instant Summary:

  • Revised tranche 2 placement pricing to $0.045 per share.
  • Funds raised to support Edjudina Gold Project and Victoria Bore Copper Project.
  • Total funds from tranche 2 placement expected to be $1.078 million.
  • Commitments received from sophisticated and professional investors.
  • Lead Manager fees and options issue confirmed.

Placement Revision Details

M3 Mining Limited (ASX:M3M) has revised the pricing of its tranche 2 placement to $0.045 per share. This decision follows consultations with tranche 2 investors and feedback from the Lead Manager, CPS Capital Group Pty Ltd. The initial tranche 2 placement price was set at $0.06 per share.

The Company had previously announced firm commitments from sophisticated and professional investors under s708 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). The placement included the issuance of 37,244,978 shares in two tranches. The first tranche, comprising 11,117,458 shares, was issued on 15 February 2024 at $0.06 per share.

Shareholder Approval and Revised Pricing

The issuance of the remaining 26,127,520 shares under tranche 2 was subject to shareholder approval at the General Meeting held on 23 April 2024. This included the ability to place up to 2,000,000 shares to Directors. The Director Placement Shares were issued on 22 May 2024 at $0.06 each following shareholder approval.

Due to deteriorating equity market conditions for junior exploration companies, the Company has decided to reprice the tranche 2 shares to $0.045 each. This move aims to maintain a supportive shareholder base. The Company has received commitments to subscribe for a total of 23,974,613 shares under the revised tranche 2 placement, raising $1.078 million before costs.

Use of Funds and Lead Manager Fees

The funds raised from tranche 2 will be combined with the $667,047 raised from tranche 1. These funds will be used to support exploration activities at the Edjudina Gold Project and the Victoria Bore Copper Project. Additionally, the funds will cover general working capital, placement costs, and potential acquisitions.

The Company confirms that the fees to the Lead Manager, as announced on 6 February 2024, and the issuance of 4 million options as approved by shareholders, will continue to be paid.

Impact Analysis

The revised pricing of the tranche 2 placement reflects the challenging market conditions for junior exploration companies. While the lower price may dilute existing shareholders, it ensures the Company can raise the necessary funds to continue its exploration activities. This move could stabilize investor sentiment by demonstrating the Company's commitment to its projects and maintaining a supportive shareholder base.

Investor Reaction:

Investors and analysts have shown a mixed reaction to the revised pricing. Some view it as a necessary step given the market conditions, while others are concerned about the potential dilution of shares. Overall, the commitment to fund exploration activities is seen as a positive move for the Company's long-term prospects.


Investors should closely monitor M3 Mining's progress in its exploration projects and potential acquisitions. The revised placement pricing demonstrates the Company's adaptability and commitment to its strategic goals. Staying informed on further developments will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

M3 Mining Stock Market News Exploration Funding Gold Project Copper Project