Louis Dreyfus Company Extends Takeover Offer for Namoi Cotton Limited

NAM (NAM) Share Update August 2024 Monday 5th

Louis Dreyfus Company Extends Takeover Offer for Namoi Cotton Limited
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Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) has announced an extension to its takeover offer for Namoi Cotton Limited (ASX: NAM), pushing the closing date to August 23, 2024. This extension gives Namoi shareholders additional time to consider the offer.

Instant Summary:

  • LDC extends takeover offer for Namoi Cotton Limited to August 23, 2024.
  • Offer aims to acquire all ordinary shares not already owned by LDC.
  • Shareholders who have accepted the offer can withdraw their acceptance within a specified period.
  • New date for status of conditions notice is August 16, 2024.

Extension Details

On August 6, 2024, Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) announced an extension to its off-market takeover offer for Namoi Cotton Limited (ASX: NAM). The new closing date for the offer is now set for 7:00 pm (Sydney time) on August 23, 2024, unless further extended or withdrawn in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

This extension provides Namoi shareholders with additional time to consider the offer, which aims to acquire all ordinary shares in Namoi Cotton Limited not already owned or controlled by LDC. The offer was initially lodged on May 7, 2024, and has been subject to several updates and modifications.

How to Accept the Offer

Shareholders who wish to accept the offer can do so by logging into www.ldcoffer.com.au and following the instructions, completing and signing the enclosed acceptance form, or instructing their Controlling Participant (usually their broker) to accept the offer on their behalf. Those who have already accepted the offer need not take any further action.

Withdrawal Rights

Due to the extension of the offer period by more than one month, shareholders who have already accepted the offer have the right to withdraw their acceptance. This can be done by giving written notice to LDC within one month beginning the day after this notice is received. Specific instructions for withdrawal are provided in the notice.

Status of Conditions

The new date for giving notice as to the status of conditions is August 16, 2024. As of the date of this notice, the offer remains subject to certain conditions outlined in the Bidder’s Statement. The offer was previously freed from the ACCC Clearance Condition on August 1, 2024.

Impact Analysis

The extension of the takeover offer period provides Namoi shareholders with more time to evaluate their options, which could lead to increased acceptance rates. The ability for shareholders to withdraw their acceptance might introduce some volatility, but overall, the extension indicates LDC's commitment to acquiring Namoi Cotton Limited. This could positively impact Namoi's stock price as investors anticipate potential benefits from the acquisition.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the extension as a strategic move by LDC to ensure a higher acceptance rate for the takeover offer. The additional time allows shareholders to thoroughly consider the offer, which could lead to a more favorable outcome for LDC. However, the withdrawal rights might cause some short-term uncertainty among investors.


Investors should keep an eye on the developments surrounding the takeover offer and the new status of conditions notice on August 16, 2024. The extension provides an opportunity for a more informed decision, and LDC's strategic approach could play a crucial role in the final outcome. Shareholders are encouraged to review the Bidder's Statement and consider their options carefully.

Louis Dreyfus Company Namoi Cotton Limited Takeover Offer Stock Market News