ASX Suspends Jindalee Lithium Limited Options JLLO and JLLOA

JLL (JLL) Share Update August 2024 Friday 2nd

Jindalee Lithium Limited Options Suspended from Quotation
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The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) has announced the suspension of Jindalee Lithium Limited's (ASX: JLL) options JLLO and JLLOA from quotation, effective at the close of trading on August 2, 2024.

Instant Summary:

  • Suspension of Jindalee Lithium Limited options JLLO and JLLOA.
  • Effective from the close of trading on August 2, 2024.
  • Suspension under Listing Rule 17.3 pending confirmation of conditions of quotation.
  • Other quoted securities of JLL remain unaffected.

Suspension Details

The ASX has announced that the options of Jindalee Lithium Limited (ASX: JLL), specifically JLLO and JLLOA, will be suspended from quotation at the close of trading on August 2, 2024. This suspension is carried out under Listing Rule 17.3, which pertains to the pending confirmation of the conditions of quotation for these options.

The suspension affects only the options JLLO and JLLOA and does not impact any other quoted securities of JLL. This means that while the trading of these specific options will be halted, other securities issued by Jindalee Lithium Limited will continue to be traded as usual.

Reason for Suspension

The ASX's decision to suspend these options is pending the confirmation of the conditions of quotation. Listing Rule 17.3 allows the ASX to suspend trading in a security if it believes that the conditions for quotation have not been met or need to be confirmed. This measure is typically taken to ensure that all trading activities are conducted fairly and transparently, protecting the interests of investors.

It is important for investors to note that this suspension is a temporary measure. The ASX Compliance team will be working closely with Jindalee Lithium Limited to resolve any outstanding issues related to the conditions of quotation for JLLO and JLLOA.

Company Background

Jindalee Lithium Limited is a company focused on the exploration and development of lithium projects. The company has been actively engaged in identifying and developing high-quality lithium assets, which are essential for the production of batteries used in electric vehicles and other renewable energy technologies.

Given the growing demand for lithium, Jindalee Lithium Limited has attracted significant interest from investors. The suspension of its options JLLO and JLLOA is a noteworthy development for those closely following the company's progress and stock performance.

Impact Analysis

The suspension of JLLO and JLLOA options could have a short-term impact on investor sentiment. While the suspension is temporary and specific to these options, it may cause some uncertainty among investors. However, since other securities of Jindalee Lithium Limited remain unaffected, the overall impact on the company's stock price may be limited.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to monitor the situation closely, with a focus on how quickly Jindalee Lithium Limited can address the conditions of quotation for JLLO and JLLOA. Investor reaction may vary, with some expressing concern over the suspension, while others may view it as a routine regulatory measure.


Investors should stay informed about the developments related to the suspension of JLLO and JLLOA options. Monitoring announcements from Jindalee Lithium Limited and the ASX will be crucial in understanding the resolution of this issue. As always, maintaining a diversified portfolio and staying updated on market news are key strategies for managing investments.

Jindalee Lithium Limited ASX Stock Market News Lithium Exploration Trading Suspension