Jameson Resources Limited: Results of Extraordinary General Meeting - 2 August 2024

JAL (JAL) Share Update August 2024 Friday 2nd

Jameson Resources Announces Successful Resolutions at Extraordinary General Meeting
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Jameson Resources Limited (ASX: JAL) has announced that all resolutions presented at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 2 August 2024 were successfully passed by way of poll.

Instant Summary:

  • All resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting were passed.
  • The meeting was held virtually on 2 August 2024.
  • Resolutions included ratification and approval of various share placements.
  • Votes were cast in accordance with Listing Rule 3.13.2 and the Corporations Act 2001.

Meeting Overview

Jameson Resources Limited held its Extraordinary General Meeting virtually on 2 August 2024 at 11:00 am Brisbane time. The meeting was conducted to address several key resolutions that were outlined in the Notice of Meeting lodged with the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) on 3 July 2024.

According to the announcement, all resolutions were passed by way of poll, demonstrating strong shareholder support for the company's strategic initiatives. The resolutions included the ratification and approval of various share placements under Listing Rules 7.4 and 10.11.

Resolution Details

The resolutions and their outcomes are as follows:

  • Resolution 1: Ratification of issue of 2023 Placement Shares under Listing Rule 7.4 - Passed with 99.99% in favor.
  • Resolution 2: Ratification of issue of Tranche 1 Placement Shares under Listing Rule 7.4 - Passed with 99.98% in favor.
  • Resolution 3: Approval of issue of Tranche 2 Placement Shares under Listing Rule 7.1 - Passed with 99.98% in favor.
  • Resolution 4: Approval of issue of Tranche 2 Placement Shares to an entity controlled by Nicole Hollows under Listing Rule 10.11 - Passed with 99.99% in favor.
  • Resolution 5: Approval of issue of Tranche 2 Placement Shares to an entity controlled by Michael Gray under Listing Rule 10.11 - Passed with 99.99% in favor.
  • Resolution 6: Approval of issue of Tranche 2 Placement Shares to Steve van Barneveld under Listing Rule 10.11 - Passed with 99.99% in favor.

Proxy and Direct Votes

The disclosure of proxy votes and poll results indicated overwhelming support for all resolutions, with minimal opposition and abstentions. The detailed voting outcomes were provided in accordance with section 251AA of the Corporations Act 2001 and Listing Rule 3.13.2.

The results reflect a strong alignment between the company's management and its shareholders, underscoring confidence in Jameson Resources' strategic direction.

Impact Analysis

The successful passing of all resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting is a positive indicator for Jameson Resources. It suggests strong shareholder confidence in the company's management and strategic initiatives. This could lead to a favorable impact on the company's stock price as investors perceive stability and growth potential.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the successful passage of all resolutions as a positive development for Jameson Resources. The strong support from shareholders may boost investor confidence and could result in a positive market reaction. However, investors will also be watching for the company's next steps in implementing these resolutions.


Investors should consider the implications of the successful resolutions and monitor Jameson Resources' future announcements for further developments. The company's ability to execute its strategic plans will be crucial in maintaining investor confidence and driving stock performance.

Jameson Resources Extraordinary General Meeting Stock Market News Shareholder Resolutions