Infini Resources Suspends Trading for Capital Raising Announcement

I88 (I88) Share Update July 2024 Sunday 28th

Infini Resources Suspends Trading Pending Capital Raising Announcement
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Infini Resources Limited (ASX: I88) has requested a suspension of its securities from trading on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) as the company prepares to announce a capital raising initiative.

Instant Summary:

  • Infini Resources Limited (ASX: I88) requests suspension from trading.
  • Suspension is pending a capital raising announcement.
  • Trading halt to last until the announcement or the start of trading on July 31, 2024.
  • Company is not aware of any reasons against the suspension.

Suspension Details

Infini Resources Limited, trading under the ticker I88 on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), has requested an immediate suspension of its securities from quotation. This suspension is in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 17.2 and is pending the release of a significant announcement regarding a capital raising initiative.

The company has outlined that the suspension will remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of trading on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, or the release of the capital raising announcement. Infini Resources has assured that it is not aware of any reasons why the suspension should not be granted or any additional information that would be necessary to inform the market about this request.

Background and Context

Infini Resources Limited, headquartered in Perth, Western Australia, is a company involved in the resource sector. The decision to suspend trading comes as the company prepares to make a significant announcement that could impact its financial standing and future operations. Capital raising is a common strategy used by companies to secure additional funds for various purposes, including expansion, debt reduction, or new project investments.

The request for suspension was formally submitted to the ASX Compliance and was authorized for release by the Board of Infini Resources Limited. The company has been transparent about the reasons for the suspension and the expected timeline for resuming trading.

Implications for Investors

For investors, the suspension of trading can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it provides the company with the necessary time to finalize its capital raising plans without the pressure of market fluctuations. On the other hand, it temporarily halts any trading activity, which can be concerning for those looking to buy or sell shares in the immediate term.

Impact Analysis

The suspension of Infini Resources' securities is likely to have a mixed impact on the company's stock. While the capital raising initiative could potentially strengthen the company's financial position and support future growth, the uncertainty surrounding the announcement may cause some investors to be cautious. The temporary halt in trading could lead to a short-term dip in stock price once trading resumes, depending on the details of the capital raising and market reaction.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts and investors are keeping a close eye on the upcoming announcement. Some investors view the capital raising as a positive step towards growth and stability, while others are concerned about potential dilution of existing shares. The overall sentiment will largely depend on the specifics of the capital raising and how the company plans to utilize the funds.


Investors should stay informed about the upcoming capital raising announcement from Infini Resources Limited. The suspension of trading is a strategic move to ensure the company can make a well-prepared announcement. Monitoring the situation closely and understanding the implications of the capital raising will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Infini Resources Stock Market News Capital Raising Trading Suspension ASX