Impact Minerals Advances Lake Hope HPA Project with Mining Lease Application

IMPACT MINERALS LIMITED (IPT) Share Update August 2024 Sunday 11th

Impact Minerals Lodges Mining Lease for Lake Hope HPA Project
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Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT) has taken a significant step forward in its Lake Hope High Purity Alumina (HPA) Project by lodging a Mining Lease Application (MLA 63/684) and a Miscellaneous Licence (L63/99) in Western Australia.

Instant Summary:

  • Mining Lease Application (MLA 63/684) lodged over the West Lake resource.
  • Miscellaneous Licence (L63/99) lodged for mine infrastructure and haulage road.
  • Negotiation protocol for Land Access and Cultural Heritage agreements with the Ngadju peoples under review.
  • Further seasonal flora and fauna surveys planned.
  • Mining studies underway as part of the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS).

Mining Lease and Miscellaneous Licence

Impact Minerals Limited has lodged a Mining Lease Application (MLA 63/684) and a Miscellaneous Licence (L63/99) for the Lake Hope High Purity Alumina (HPA) Project, located 500 km east of Perth, Western Australia. This marks a crucial step in advancing the project towards production, defining the work required to obtain statutory approvals for the grant of the Mining Lease.

The Miscellaneous Licence covers mine infrastructure and haulage road, offering a more direct route to the Norseman-Hyden road than existing tracks, potentially saving millions in road construction costs.

Pre-Feasibility Study Progress

The approvals process, logistics, and estimated costs of mining and transporting the Lake Hope mud to the process plant form one of the four key parts of the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) on Lake Hope. Impact can take an 80% interest in Playa One Pty Limited, which owns the Lake Hope Project, by completing the PFS.

The PFS followed a positive Scoping Study, which showed that for a benchmark production of 10,000 tonnes per annum of HPA, the Project has an estimated post-tax Net Present Value (NPV8) of about A$1.3 billion and could potentially be one of the lowest-cost producers of HPA globally.

Key Areas of Focus

The next steps include engaging in a well-defined negotiation process with the Ngadju Aboriginal people, the traditional custodians of the land around Lake Hope, and conducting further seasonal flora and fauna surveys in and around the proposed mine infrastructure. These efforts will progress in the next Quarter.

Significant progress is being made on the four main parts of the PFS: the proposed mine at the lake, test work to optimize the metallurgical process, the planned full-scale 10,000 tonnes per annum process plant, and marketing, product development, and offtake agreements for the final HPA products.

Process Plant and Test Work

Kwinana has been selected as the best location for the processing plant, driven by the availability of various chemical reagents needed for the process plant. Discussions are underway with potential suppliers of input reagents and buyers of associated by-products.

Metallurgical test work is progressing well, with production of HPA samples underway. Detailed discussions are in progress regarding the design and construction of a pilot plant to produce HPA of consistent quality for potential offtake partners.

Impact Analysis

The lodging of the Mining Lease Application and Miscellaneous Licence is a significant milestone for Impact Minerals. This step advances the Lake Hope HPA Project towards production, potentially making it one of the lowest-cost producers of HPA globally. The project's estimated post-tax Net Present Value (NPV8) of A$1.3 billion indicates strong financial potential, which could positively impact the company's stock price and attract investor interest.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to react positively to this announcement, given the significant progress towards securing the necessary approvals and advancing the Pre-Feasibility Study. The project's potential to become a low-cost producer of HPA and its estimated high NPV make it an attractive investment opportunity. However, investors will be closely watching the negotiation process with the Ngadju Aboriginal people and the completion of seasonal flora and fauna surveys.


Impact Minerals' lodging of the Mining Lease Application and Miscellaneous Licence for the Lake Hope HPA Project marks a significant step forward. Investors should keep an eye on the progress of the Pre-Feasibility Study and the company's efforts to secure necessary approvals. Subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates on Impact Minerals and other stock market news.

Impact Minerals Lake Hope HPA Project Mining Lease Application Stock Market News High Purity Alumina