Gibb River Diamonds Limited - Quarterly Report Highlights Major Project Developments

GIBB RIVER DIAMONDS LIMITED (GIB) Share Update July 2024 Monday 29th

Gibb River Diamonds Limited Reports Significant Progress in Multiple Projects
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Gibb River Diamonds Limited (ASX: GIB) has released its quarterly report for the period ending 30 June 2024, highlighting significant progress in its Ellendale Diamond Project, Edjudina Gold Project, and newly acquired Namibian Uranium Projects.

Instant Summary:

  • Grant of key mining leases for the Ellendale Diamond Project.
  • Completion of Aboriginal heritage clearance survey and environmental report for Ellendale.
  • Progress in securing mining lease for Edjudina Gold Project.
  • Acquisition of Erongo and Kunene Uranium Projects in Namibia.

Ellendale Diamond Project, WA

Gibb River Diamonds Limited (GIB) has made substantial progress in its Ellendale Diamond Project, located in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia. The project, historically one of the world's largest diamond producers, saw the grant of three crucial mining leases (M04/475, M04/476, and M04/477) in May 2024. These leases cover the main portions of the historic workings at the E4 and E9 pipes, marking a significant milestone in re-establishing diamond production at Ellendale.

In June 2024, GIB successfully completed an Aboriginal heritage clearance survey over mining lease M04/477, providing the necessary heritage clearance to restart mining activities. Additionally, an environmental report for the Vegetation, Flora, and Fauna Survey on M04/477 indicated no red flags to mining, further facilitating the compilation of Mining Proposal permitting applications.

Edjudina Gold Project, WA

GIB is actively pursuing the grant of Mining Lease Application M31/495 to advance the JORC Resource to mining at the Edjudina Gold Project. The company lodged a Section 35 application with the National Native Title Tribunal (NNTT) in April 2024, and negotiations with the Wangkatja Tjungula Aboriginal Corporation (WTAC) are ongoing. GIB remains optimistic about the expeditious granting of the mining licence, which will enable the monetization of the recently reported maiden JORC Indicated and Inferred Resource of 24,000 Oz Au.

Namibian Uranium Projects Acquisition

In a strategic move, GIB acquired the Erongo Project (47.6 km2) and the Kunene Project (1,780 km2) in Namibia, consisting of six Exclusive Prospecting Licenses (EPLs). The Erongo Project is located in the renowned Erongo Uranium District, targeting calcrete uranium mineralization within a constrained palaeo-valley, analogous to the Langer Heinrich uranium deposit. Environmental and Heritage Clearance (ECC) processes are underway to gain access for exploration and drilling.

The Kunene Uranium Project targets uranium mineralization in the Karoo Formation, which is prospective for roll-front style uranium deposits. GIB's large ground holding in this under-explored region presents significant potential for a new greenfields uranium discovery.

Impact Analysis

The advancements in the Ellendale Diamond Project, including the grant of key mining leases and successful completion of heritage and environmental surveys, are likely to boost investor confidence and positively impact GIB's stock. The progress in securing the mining lease for the Edjudina Gold Project and the acquisition of promising uranium projects in Namibia further enhance the company's growth prospects. Overall, these developments position GIB for potential increases in stock value as they move closer to production and exploration milestones.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view these developments positively, noting the strategic importance of securing key mining leases and advancing heritage and environmental clearances. The acquisition of uranium projects in Namibia adds a new dimension to GIB's portfolio, potentially attracting interest from investors looking for exposure to the uranium market.


Investors should closely monitor GIB's progress in the coming months, particularly the finalization of mining proposals and the commencement of exploration activities in Namibia. The company's strategic advancements in diamond, gold, and uranium projects highlight its potential for significant growth. Stay informed and consider the long-term impacts on your investment portfolio.

Gibb River Diamonds Ellendale Diamond Project Edjudina Gold Project Uranium Projects Stock Market News