Genesis Capital Opposes NDC's Increased Offer for Pacific Smiles

PACIFIC SMILES GROUP LIMITED (PSQ) Share Update August 2024 Thursday 1st

Genesis Capital Opposes NDC's $2.05 Per Share Offer for Pacific Smiles
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Pacific Smiles Group Limited (ASX: PSQ) has announced that Genesis Capital will vote against NDC BidCo Pty Ltd's increased offer of $2.05 per share. This development adds a new layer of complexity to the ongoing acquisition talks.

Instant Summary:

  • NDC BidCo Pty Ltd increased its offer to $2.05 per share.
  • Genesis Capital had previously proposed $1.90 per share.
  • Genesis Capital will vote against the NDC Scheme.
  • Pacific Smiles Board recommends shareholders vote in favor of the NDC Scheme.
  • No indication from Genesis Capital of an improved offer.


On 31 July 2024, Pacific Smiles Group Limited (ASX: PSQ) announced that NDC BidCo Pty Ltd (NDC) had increased its all-cash offer to acquire all shares in Pacific Smiles to $2.05 per share. This offer was to be executed through a scheme of arrangement (NDC Scheme).

Prior to this, Genesis Capital Manager I Pty Ltd (Genesis Capital) had made a revised proposal to acquire all shares in Pacific Smiles for $1.90 cash per share. Shareholders also had the option to receive shares in Beam Dental Holdings Ltd as part of the offer.

Genesis Capital's Response

On 1 August 2024, Pacific Smiles received a statement from Genesis Capital indicating that it would vote against the NDC Scheme based on its revised terms. Genesis Capital's decision to oppose the NDC Scheme adds a significant twist to the acquisition saga.

Genesis Capital has not provided any indication that it plans to make an improved offer. This leaves the Pacific Smiles Board in a position where they continue to recommend that shareholders vote in favor of the NDC Scheme, provided no superior proposal emerges and the Independent Expert does not withdraw or adversely change its conclusion.

Shareholder Voting

The NDC Scheme can still proceed if a majority of Pacific Smiles shareholders vote in favor of it. The Pacific Smiles Board has emphasized the importance of shareholder votes in determining the outcome of the NDC Scheme. Shareholders are encouraged to refer to the Scheme Booklet for detailed voting instructions.

Impact Analysis

The opposition from Genesis Capital could create uncertainty among Pacific Smiles shareholders, potentially affecting the stock price. If the NDC Scheme fails to secure enough votes, it could lead to a decline in investor confidence and market value. On the other hand, if the NDC Scheme is approved, it could provide a stable exit strategy for shareholders at a premium price.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to have mixed reactions to this development. Some may view Genesis Capital's opposition as a sign of undervaluation, while others might see it as a strategic move to negotiate better terms. Overall, the market could experience short-term volatility as investors digest the news.


Investors should closely monitor the upcoming shareholder vote and any further announcements from Genesis Capital or Pacific Smiles. The outcome of the NDC Scheme will significantly impact Pacific Smiles' future and investor portfolios. Shareholders are advised to stay informed and consider their options carefully.

Pacific Smiles Genesis Capital NDC BidCo Stock Market News Acquisition