Galan Lithium Limited Initiates $13.3 Million Rights Issue to Fund HMW Project

GALAN LITHIUM LIMITED (GLN) Share Update September 2024 Tuesday 17th

Galan Lithium Announces $13.3 Million Rights Issue
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Galan Lithium Limited (ASX: GLN) has announced a pro rata non-renounceable rights issue to raise approximately $13.3 million before costs, aimed at funding the further development of its Hombre Muerto West (HMW) Project in Argentina.

Instant Summary:

  • Rights issue of one new share for every four existing shares.
  • Issue price set at $0.105 per new share.
  • Total capital raise of approximately $13.3 million before costs.
  • Offer opens on 18 September 2024 and closes on 3 October 2024.
  • Eligible shareholders can apply for additional shortfall shares.

Details of the Rights Issue

Galan Lithium Limited has launched a rights issue to raise around $13.3 million before costs. The offer is structured as a pro rata non-renounceable rights issue, allowing eligible shareholders to subscribe for one new share for every four existing shares held as of the record date. The issue price for each new share is set at $0.105.

The offer will open on 18 September 2024 and close at 5:00pm (WST) on 3 October 2024. Shareholders who are eligible can also apply for additional shortfall shares if they wish to increase their stake in the company.

Use of Funds

The funds raised from this rights issue will primarily be used to further the development of the HMW Project in Argentina. The project is currently in its first phase of construction and development. The capital raised will also be utilized for corporate costs and general working capital, as well as to cover the costs associated with the offer.

Participation and Eligibility

Eligible shareholders, defined as those with a registered address in Australia, New Zealand, or approved foreign jurisdictions, will receive an Entitlement and Acceptance Form detailing their specific entitlements. These shareholders can apply for new shares by following the instructions provided in the form.

Shareholders with addresses outside of these regions will not be able to participate in the offer due to regulatory constraints. The company has outlined that it is not practical to comply with the securities laws of other jurisdictions given the number of overseas shareholders and the associated costs.

Risks and Considerations

The offer document highlights that the new shares should be considered speculative and advises shareholders to read the entire document and consult professional advisers before making an investment decision. The document also outlines various risk factors, including operational risks, funding risks, and geopolitical risks associated with the HMW Project in Argentina.

Timetable and Next Steps

The company has provided a detailed timetable for the rights issue. Key dates include the opening of the offer on 18 September 2024 and the closing on 3 October 2024. The new shares are expected to be issued and entered into shareholders' security holdings by 10 October 2024, with quotation on the ASX anticipated by 11 October 2024.

Impact Analysis

The rights issue is a significant step for Galan Lithium as it seeks to secure funding for the HMW Project. The successful completion of this capital raise will provide the necessary funds to advance the project, potentially increasing the company's production capacity and market presence. However, the issuance of new shares will dilute existing shareholders' stakes, which could impact the stock price in the short term.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts have noted that while the rights issue will provide essential funding for the HMW Project, the dilution effect may cause some short-term volatility in the stock price. Investors are likely to watch closely how the funds are utilized and the progress of the HMW Project to gauge the long-term benefits of this capital raise.


Investors should consider participating in the rights issue to support the development of the HMW Project and potentially benefit from the company's growth. Monitoring the project's progress and the company's strategic initiatives will be crucial in assessing the long-term impact of this capital raise.

Galan Lithium Rights Issue Stock Market News Lithium Mining HMW Project