Firetail Resources Identifies New Exploration Opportunities at York Harbour Copper Project

FTL (FTL) Share Update September 2024 Monday 9th

Firetail Resources Announces New Exploration Opportunities at Canadian Copper Project
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Firetail Resources Limited (ASX: FTL) has announced significant advancements in their exploration activities at the York Harbour Cu-Zn-Ag project in Canada, highlighting new opportunities for growth and expansion.

Instant Summary:

  • Sampling of overlooked sulphide zones in previous drilling.
  • Drilling program to commence in coming weeks.
  • Site works to recondition access tracks and establish drill positions underway.
  • Additional permitting granted for more extensive drilling program.
  • Airborne EM survey to commence in late September to identify new targets across 16km trend.
  • LiDAR Survey completed with data processing underway.

Exploration Activities and New Opportunities

Firetail Resources Limited (Firetail or the Company) is pleased to announce that site works are underway to support the upcoming drill program at the York Harbour Cu-Zn-Ag project in Canada. An extensive review of previous drill programs has identified multiple semi-massive, stringer, and disseminated zones adjacent to high-grade ore zones that were overlooked in earlier sampling campaigns.

Re-processing of at least eight drill holes, containing a minimum of 250 meters of unsampled drill core, has been identified for analysis. This has the potential to provide valuable information on the extents and controls of the York Harbour mineralized system. Additionally, the Company has received additional permitting to support a more extensive drilling program, expanding the permitted area and broadening the scope of upcoming exploration activities.

Upcoming Drilling and Surveys

Firetail is set to commence a new drilling program in the coming weeks. Site works are currently focused on reconditioning access tracks and establishing drill positions. The Company is also preparing for a property-wide airborne electromagnetic (EM) survey scheduled to begin in late September. This survey aims to identify new targets across a 16km trend.

Furthermore, a LiDAR survey has been completed, and data processing is underway. This will provide detailed topographical information to assist in planning and executing the drilling program.

CEO Comments and Community Support

Firetail's CEO, Glenn Poole, expressed excitement about the new opportunities uncovered through the re-logging project. 'The information from the current re-logging project has uncovered a number of significant resampling opportunities, as we begin to understand the incredible potential of this exciting project,' Poole stated. He emphasized the importance of ensuring all potentially mineralized zones are assayed and highlighted the support received from the local community and stakeholders.

Poole added, 'As drilling is expected to commence in the coming weeks and geophysics shortly after, the coming months will be an exciting time for the company as we highlight the potential shareholder value of this spectacular Copper project.'

Impact Analysis

The announcement of new exploration opportunities and the commencement of a more extensive drilling program is likely to have a positive impact on Firetail Resources' stock. The potential for discovering new mineralized zones and the expanded scope of exploration activities could attract investor interest and boost confidence in the company's growth prospects.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to react positively to the news, noting the potential for significant discoveries and the strategic expansion of exploration activities. The additional permitting and upcoming surveys indicate a proactive approach to maximizing the project's potential.


Investors should keep a close eye on the progress of Firetail Resources' exploration activities at the York Harbour project. The upcoming drilling program and geophysical surveys could yield valuable results, enhancing the project's overall value. Firetail's strategic efforts to expand and explore new opportunities demonstrate a commitment to growth and shareholder value.

Firetail Resources York Harbour Project Copper Exploration Stock Market News Mining Industry