Firebird Metals Executes Farm-Out Agreement with Macro Metals

FRB (FRB) Share Update July 2024 Monday 22nd

Firebird Metals Announces Farm-Out Agreement with Macro Metals
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Firebird Metals Limited (ASX: FRB) has announced a significant farm-out agreement with Macro Metals Ltd (ASX: M4M) to develop its non-core manganese tenements, allowing Firebird to focus on its flagship Oakover Project and Chinese manganese sulphate plant.

Instant Summary:

  • Firebird signs agreement for Macro Metals to acquire 80% interest in Wandanya, Disraeli, and Midgengadge tenements.
  • Macro Metals to invest $150,000 within 12 months and complete a 10-hole RC drill program.
  • Firebird retains a free-carried 20% interest until the decision to mine.
  • Firebird to earn a 1% sales commission based on FOB revenue.
  • Agreement allows Firebird to concentrate on Oakover Project and Chinese LMFP strategy.
  • Macro Metals has a strong track record in greenfield project development.

Agreement Overview

Firebird Metals Limited (ASX: FRB, 'Firebird' or 'the Company') has entered into a farm-out agreement with Macro Metals Ltd ('Macro') to develop Firebird's Wandanya, Disraeli, and Midgengadge manganese tenements. Under the agreement, Macro will invest $150,000 over 12 months and complete a minimum of 10 RC drill holes, with at least 100 meters drilled on each tenement, to earn an 80% interest.

Firebird will retain a free-carried 20% interest in these projects until a decision to mine is made. Additionally, Firebird will earn a 1% sales commission based on Free on Board (FOB) revenue. This strategic move allows Firebird to focus on its core projects, particularly the Oakover Project and its Chinese manganese sulphate plant.

Strategic Benefits

Firebird's Managing Director, Mr. Peter Allen, emphasized that the agreement enables the company to leverage Macro's expertise and resources for the development of these tenements. This partnership ensures that the tenements receive the necessary investment and development attention, while Firebird benefits from potential production and value growth without immediate capital outlay.

Mr. Allen stated, 'We are confident that this collaboration will unlock value for our shareholders and look forward to a prosperous collaboration with Macro.'

Key Terms and Conditions

The agreement includes a binding Heads of Agreement, granting Macro the exclusive right to earn an 80% interest in the tenements by committing to spend $150,000 in exploration and development expenditure within 12 months. This expenditure must include at least 10 RC drill holes, totaling a minimum of 100 meters drilled on each tenement.

Firebird's 20% interest will be free carried until Macro makes a decision to mine, at which point the two companies will enter into an incorporated joint venture (SPV). The SPV will engage Macro's wholly-owned subsidiary, Macro Mining Services Pty Ltd, for all mining services on a commercial, arms-length basis. Firebird retains the option to convert its 20% interest into a 1% royalty.

Completion of the transaction is subject to due diligence and necessary regulatory or third-party approvals by 30 September 2024. The agreement also includes standard terms and conditions for such arrangements.

Impact Analysis

This agreement is likely to have a positive impact on Firebird Metals' stock as it allows the company to focus on its core projects while benefiting from the development of its non-core tenements. The partnership with Macro Metals, known for its strong management in greenfield projects, adds credibility and potential upside to the deal. Investors may view this as a strategic move to optimize resource allocation and enhance shareholder value.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts and investors have responded positively to the announcement, noting that the agreement allows Firebird to concentrate on its flagship projects while still benefiting from the development of its non-core assets. The collaboration with Macro Metals is seen as a strategic move to leverage expertise and resources, potentially unlocking significant value for shareholders.


Investors should keep an eye on the progress of this agreement and its impact on Firebird Metals' overall strategy. The partnership with Macro Metals is expected to drive the development of the Wandanya, Disraeli, and Midgengadge tenements, providing potential upside without immediate capital expenditure. This strategic focus on core projects and collaboration with a proven partner could enhance long-term shareholder value.

Firebird Metals Macro Metals Manganese Tenements Stock Market News Mining Industry