Felix Group Holdings Updates Q3 FY24 Appendix 4C Report

FLX (FLX) Share Update July 2024 Sunday 21st

Felix Group Holdings Amends Q3 FY24 Appendix 4C Report
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Felix Group Holdings Ltd (ASX:FLX) has released an amended Appendix 4C report for the quarter ended 31 March 2024, addressing a classification error related to a term deposit.

Instant Summary:

  • Amended Appendix 4C for Q3 FY24 due to classification error.
  • Correction pertains to item 2.5 regarding a term deposit.
  • No change to cash and cash equivalents for Q3 FY24.

Amendment Details

On 22 July 2024, Felix Group Holdings Ltd announced an amendment to their Appendix 4C report for the quarter ended 31 March 2024. The revision addresses a classification error related to a term deposit, specifically item 2.5 in the report.

Despite the correction, there is no impact on the reported cash and cash equivalents for the quarter. The amendment ensures accurate representation of the company's financial activities and compliance with accounting standards.

Financial Overview

Felix Group Holdings reported receipts from customers amounting to $1.744 million for the current quarter, contributing to a year-to-date total of $6.824 million. Operating expenses included $2.212 million in staff costs and $628,000 in administration and corporate costs.

Investing activities saw a net cash inflow of $1.938 million, primarily due to term deposits, while financing activities resulted in a net cash outflow of $30,000. The company's cash and cash equivalents stood at $3.006 million at the end of the quarter.

Company Background

Felix Group Holdings operates a cloud-based enterprise Software as a Service (SaaS) procurement management platform and vendor marketplace. The platform connects contractors and third-party vendors, digitizing and automating critical procurement-related business processes to reduce supply chain risk and improve transparency and governance.

Impact Analysis

The amendment to the Appendix 4C report is a minor correction and does not affect the company's overall financial health or cash position. As such, the impact on Felix Group Holdings' stock price is expected to be minimal. Investors may view the correction as a positive step towards maintaining transparency and accuracy in financial reporting.

Investor Reaction:

Investors and analysts have generally reacted positively to the amendment, appreciating the company's commitment to accurate financial reporting. Some have noted that the correction does not alter the company's cash position, which remains strong.


Investors should continue to monitor Felix Group Holdings' financial reports and updates. The company's proactive approach to correcting the classification error demonstrates its dedication to transparency and governance. Staying informed about Felix's financial health and strategic initiatives will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Felix Group Holdings ASX Announcement Financial Reporting Stock Market News