Equatorial Resources - June 2024 Quarterly Report Highlights

EQX (EQX) Share Update July 2024 Monday 29th

Equatorial Resources Reports Significant Progress in Nimba Alliance Project and Congo Arbitration
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Equatorial Resources Limited (ASX: EQX) has released its quarterly report for the period ending 30 June 2024, detailing significant advancements in its Nimba Alliance Iron Ore Project in Guinea and ongoing arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Congo.

Instant Summary:

  • Initial Exploration Target reported at T5 Target in Nimba Alliance Project.
  • High-grade iron mineralization confirmed at D1 Target with assays up to 66% Fe.
  • Plans for a maiden drill program at D1 Target are being finalized.
  • Reply Memorial filed in international arbitration against the Republic of Congo.
  • Strong financial position with $13.8 million in cash reserves.

Nimba Alliance Iron Ore Project

Equatorial Resources has made significant strides in its Nimba Alliance Iron Ore Project located in Guinea. Subsequent to the end of the quarter, the company reported an initial Exploration Target at the T5 Target, one of six targets within the project. The T5 Target is one of four 'hard rock' targets, in addition to two priority detrital 'Canga' targets (D1 and D2).

During the quarter, assays from grab samples collected from the Canga D1 Target confirmed high-grade iron mineralization up to 66% Fe. The D1 Target results include high-grade Canga mineralization over 10km of strike, with numerous grab samples ranging from 62% to 66% Fe. The company is currently finalizing plans for a maiden drill program to test the high-grade Canga mineralization identified at the D1 Target.

International Arbitration against Congo

Equatorial Resources, through its Mauritian subsidiary EEPL Holdings, has filed its Reply Memorial in the ongoing international arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Congo at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in Washington, D.C. The Reply Memorial includes updated reports from independent expert witnesses covering the technical aspects and value of EEPL's investments in the Congo Projects, demonstrating the value of the compensation EEPL is claiming from Congo, including pre-award interest.

Equatorial expects a final hearing to take place at ICSID in March 2025, with the final award potentially rendered around 6 to 12 months thereafter. Despite the dispute, Equatorial remains committed to its investments in Congo and continues to be open to constructive dialogue.

Corporate and Financial Position

Equatorial Resources remains in a strong financial position with approximately $13.8 million in cash as of 30 June 2024. The company is well-positioned to progress exploration and development activities at its Nimba Alliance Project, as well as to pursue the ICSID arbitration and additional business opportunities in the resources sector.

Impact Analysis

The advancements in the Nimba Alliance Project, particularly the high-grade iron mineralization at the D1 Target and the initial Exploration Target at T5, are likely to positively impact Equatorial Resources' stock. The ongoing arbitration with Congo, while complex, shows the company's commitment to protecting its investments, which may reassure investors.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the progress in the Nimba Alliance Project positively, given the high-grade iron mineralization results. The ongoing arbitration with Congo remains a point of concern but demonstrates Equatorial's proactive approach to safeguarding its interests.


Investors should keep an eye on the upcoming drill program at the D1 Target and the developments in the arbitration proceedings. Equatorial Resources' strong financial position and strategic advancements make it a noteworthy player in the iron ore sector.

Equatorial Resources Nimba Alliance Project Iron Ore Congo Arbitration Stock Market News