Enterprise Metals Completes Detailed Magnetic-Radiometric Survey at Eneabba East Prospect

ENT (ENT) Share Update August 2024 Thursday 15th

Enterprise Metals Completes Magnetic-Radiometric Survey at Eneabba East
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Enterprise Metals Limited (ASX: ENT) has successfully completed a detailed MagSpec airborne magnetic-radiometric survey over 80% of its Eneabba East prospect (E70/5999), revealing promising exploration opportunities for titanium and heavy minerals.

Instant Summary:

  • Survey completed over 80% of E70/5999.
  • Identified Pitfield-style basement exploration opportunities.
  • 56km of sparsely or completely untested strand lines identified.
  • Potential pathways for hydrothermal fluids containing titanium, copper, and iron.
  • Plans for low-cost aircore drilling in areas of shallow cover.

Survey Overview

Enterprise Metals Limited has announced the completion of a detailed MagSpec airborne magnetic-radiometric survey over 80% of its Eneabba East prospect (E70/5999). The survey, which lies south of Empire Metals Ltd’s world-class Pitfield titanium discovery, has identified both Pitfield-style basement exploration opportunities and conventional strand line heavy mineral (HM) opportunities.

The processed magnetic data has defined magnetic stratigraphy on the sheared western and eastern margins of the gneissic rocks of the Precambrian Mullingarra Inlier. These sheared contact zones are considered potential pathways for hydrothermal fluids containing titanium, copper, and iron, which have not been previously drill tested.

Geological Insights

The survey has provided detailed insights into the basement geology, including strongly magnetic units along the western margin of the Mullingarra gneiss. These units appear to broaden to the south, segmented by a series of later WNW trending faults. The resolution of the basement geology in the magnetic data demonstrates that shallow cover extends further south than expected, before disappearing beneath younger Perth Basin rocks.

One significant geological feature identified is an ENE-trending magnetic dyke intruding the Mullingarra Inlier. This dyke does not continue across the unconformity between the gneiss to the west and the Yandanooka sediments to the east, indicating it is pre-Yandanooka in timing. This helps position both eastern and western boundaries of this older geological unit.

Heavy Mineral Sand Potential

Analysis of the MagSpec radiometric data suggests a likely genetic relationship between hard rock titanium mineralization and the reworked accumulations of heavy mineral sand mineralization in the Eocene sediments mantling the Coorow licence. Image Resources Ltd recently released a BFS for the development of the Yandanooka HMS Deposit, which showed a leucoxene-rich mineral suite with robust and compelling economics.

Historic exploration by Iluka Resources Ltd identified heavy mineral sand mineralization in the Coorow District since the late 1970s. However, no material exploration has been completed over the Coorow licence since Iluka’s work, which identified three prospects: Durack South, Aeolian, and Yarra Yarra.

Next Steps

Following the survey, Enterprise plans to undertake ground gravity surveys over certain anomalous magnetic features, Induced Polarization (IP) surveys over coincident gravity/magnetic anomalies, and Reverse Circulation (RC) drill testing of IP anomalies. Additionally, aircore drilling of heavy mineral strandline targets is planned.

Enterprise Metals Limited has the right to explore for all minerals on Exploration Licences 70/5999 (Coorow) and 70/5884 (Badgingarra) under the Eneabba East Option Agreement with Century Minerals Pty Ltd. The focus of exploration includes titanium and heavy minerals such as zircon, monazite, rutile, ilmenite, rare earths (REE), and base metals.

Impact Analysis

The completion of the detailed magnetic-radiometric survey at Eneabba East is a significant step forward for Enterprise Metals. The identification of both Pitfield-style basement exploration opportunities and conventional strand line heavy mineral opportunities could potentially lead to new discoveries, boosting the company’s stock value. The planned low-cost aircore drilling in areas of shallow cover is likely to attract investor interest, given the promising initial survey results.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view this development positively, as it demonstrates Enterprise Metals' proactive approach to exploring and identifying new mineral opportunities. The detailed survey results provide a strong foundation for further exploration activities, which could lead to significant discoveries. Investors may react favorably to the news, anticipating potential future gains from successful exploration outcomes.


Investors should closely monitor Enterprise Metals' upcoming exploration activities at the Eneabba East prospect. The detailed magnetic-radiometric survey has revealed promising opportunities for titanium and heavy minerals, and the company’s planned drilling programs could lead to significant discoveries. Staying informed on Enterprise Metals' progress and strategic developments will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Enterprise Metals Eneabba East Magnetic-Radiometric Survey Stock Market News Mining Exploration