Enova Mining Limited - Update on Bulk Sample and Assay Results - 4 July 2024

ENV (ENV) Share Update July 2024 Thursday 4th

Enova Mining Provides Update on Bulk Sample and Assay Results
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Enova Mining Limited (ASX: ENV) has provided an important update regarding its bulk sample and assay results, addressing recent inquiries from the ASX and investors.

Instant Summary:

  • No new updates on bulk sample results since Q1 update.
  • Mineral characterisation work completed in May 2024.
  • Flowsheet Enhancement Programme commenced to optimize mineral recovery.
  • Assay results received in February 2024, currently being incorporated into resource database.
  • Maiden drilling program at CODA project has commenced.

Bulk Sample Results

Enova Mining Limited has confirmed that there have been no new updates on the bulk sample results since the Q1 update. The company stated that the mineral characterisation work, an interim step in the metallurgical test programme, was completed in May 2024. This work is crucial for ensuring optimal results for the next phase of bulk testing, specifically the bulk heavy mineral separation tests.

The company has initiated a Flowsheet Enhancement Programme to explore alternative mineral processing techniques, such as flotation, for additional recovery of rare earth elements (REE) from fine particle size fractions. Additionally, process techniques like intensive mechanical disintegration and comminution are being assessed for the liberation of REE minerals from oversize fractions.

Assay Results

The assay results, received in February 2024, are currently being incorporated into Enova's resource database model. These results are intended to build out the company's mineral resource model for the Charley Creek Project. Enova does not expect the assay results alone to be material or meaningful to investors but will form part of an updated resource model to be released along with the updated Scoping Study.

CODA Project

Enova has also addressed inquiries regarding its CODA project. The company confirmed that the maiden drilling program at CODA has commenced, with initial work including planning, field reconnaissance, and engagement with local drilling contractors. Despite a small delay, drilling operations began in June 2024. The company emphasized that the commencement of drilling operations is expected to have a material effect on the price or value of its securities.

Impact Analysis

The updates on the bulk sample and assay results indicate that Enova Mining is progressing steadily with its metallurgical test programme and resource model development. The commencement of the maiden drilling program at CODA is particularly significant, as it is expected to impact the company's stock price positively. Investors should monitor these developments closely, as they could influence Enova's market valuation and future prospects.

Investor Reaction:

Investor reaction has been cautiously optimistic. While some investors are eager for more concrete results from the bulk sample and assay tests, others are encouraged by the commencement of the drilling program at CODA. Analysts have noted that the company's methodical approach to mineral characterisation and resource model development is prudent and necessary for long-term success.


Enova Mining's latest updates provide valuable insights into the company's ongoing projects and future plans. Investors should stay tuned for the upcoming quarterly update and the results of the metallurgical testing programme. These developments will be crucial in assessing the company's potential and making informed investment decisions.

Enova Mining Bulk Sample Results Assay Results CODA Project Stock Market News