Eastern Metals Granted $910,750 in Junior Minerals Exploration Incentive Tax Credits

EMS (EMS) Share Update July 2024 Sunday 21st

Eastern Metals Receives $910,750 in Exploration Tax Credits
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Eastern Metals Ltd (ASX: EMS) has announced that it has been awarded $910,750 in exploration tax credits under the Australian Government's Junior Minerals Exploration Incentive (JMEI) scheme for the 2024-25 financial year.

Instant Summary:

  • Eastern Metals awarded $910,750 in exploration tax credits.
  • Credits available for distribution to eligible shareholders in 2024-25.
  • JMEI scheme encourages investment in small Australian exploration companies.
  • Eligible shareholders can receive refundable tax offsets or franking credits.

Announcement Details

Eastern Metals Ltd (ASX: EMS) is pleased to announce that it has successfully applied for the Australian Government's Junior Minerals Exploration Incentive (JMEI) for the 2024-25 income tax year. The company has been awarded an allocation of $910,750 in exploration credits.

The JMEI scheme aims to encourage investment in small Australian exploration companies that conduct greenfields mineral exploration. It allows these companies to convert a portion of their tax losses into credits, which can be passed on to eligible shareholders as either refundable tax offsets or franking credits.

Eligibility and Distribution

Eligible shareholders are Australian resident shareholders who invest in newly issued Eastern Metals shares through a Placement Offer, Entitlement Offer, or Share Purchase Plan between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025. Individual shareholders, trusts, or superannuation funds will be entitled to refundable tax offsets, while corporate investors will receive franking credits.

JMEI credits will be distributed to all eligible shareholders on a pro-rata basis. Eastern Metals encourages individuals and entities who receive newly issued EMS shares in the 2024-25 tax year to seek their own tax advice. Further information can be found on the Australian Taxation Office's (ATO) webpage 'What to do if you receive exploration credits'.

Allocation Details

The maximum amount of exploration credits for an income year is determined by the lesser of the following: the company's actual greenfields exploration expenditure for the income year multiplied by the corporate tax rate, the company's actual tax loss for the income year multiplied by the corporate tax rate, or the amount of credits the ATO allocated to the company ($910,750 for Eastern Metals during the year ended 30 June 2025).

Eastern Metals expressed gratitude to the Australian Government for its support and to the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies for its advocacy on behalf of junior exploration companies in relation to the JMEI scheme.

Impact Analysis

The allocation of $910,750 in exploration tax credits is a positive development for Eastern Metals. It provides financial support for the company's exploration activities and incentivizes investment from shareholders. This could lead to increased investor confidence and potentially boost the company's stock price. The JMEI scheme's support for greenfields mineral exploration aligns with broader industry goals of discovering new mineral resources.

Investor Reaction:

Investors and analysts have reacted positively to the news, highlighting the benefits of the JMEI scheme in supporting small exploration companies. Some investors see this as a strategic advantage for Eastern Metals, potentially leading to new discoveries and increased shareholder value.


Eastern Metals' successful application for the JMEI scheme and the allocation of $910,750 in exploration tax credits is a significant milestone for the company. Investors should consider the potential benefits of these credits and the positive impact on the company's exploration efforts. Staying informed about further developments and the company's exploration activities will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Eastern Metals Junior Minerals Exploration Incentive Stock Market News Mining Exploration