DigitalX Limited - Quarterly Cash Flow and Business Update - 30 June 2024

DCC (DCC) Share Update July 2024 Sunday 28th

DigitalX Limited Reports Quarterly Cash Flow and Business Update
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DigitalX Limited (ASX: DCC, OTCQB: DGGXF) has released its quarterly cash flow report and business update for the quarter ended 30 June 2024, providing insights into its financial performance and strategic initiatives.

Instant Summary:

  • Net cash used in operating activities: $1.08 million
  • Net cash from investing activities: $127,000
  • Net cash from financing activities: -$1.03 million
  • Cash and cash equivalents at end of period: $6.05 million
  • Launch of DigitalX Bitcoin ETF on ASX in July 2024
  • SellMyShares revenue increased by 2.3% from the previous quarter

Financial Performance

DigitalX Limited reported a net cash outflow of $1.08 million from operating activities for the quarter ended 30 June 2024. This includes significant expenditures on research and development, advertising and marketing, and staff costs. The company also recorded a net cash inflow of $127,000 from investing activities, primarily due to net payments for digital assets acquisitions and proceeds from sales of digital assets within its funds.

Net cash outflow from financing activities was $1.03 million, driven by net redemptions in the DigitalX Fund and the DigitalX Bitcoin Fund. As a result, the company's cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period stood at $6.05 million.

Business Highlights

During the quarter, DigitalX continued to advance its strategic initiatives, including the development and launch of its DigitalX Bitcoin ETF. The ETF, which began trading on the ASX in July 2024, marks a significant milestone for the company. Additionally, DigitalX invested $1 million into its DigitalX Fund and another $1 million into the DigitalX Asset Reference Token Fund (DxART Fund).

The company's digital asset treasury holdings decreased by $3.04 million, or 7.98%, over the three-month period, reflecting a 14% decline in the price of Bitcoin. Despite this, DigitalX's SellMyShares platform continued to perform strongly, generating $706,000 in revenue for the quarter, a 2.3% increase from the previous quarter.

Operational Developments

DigitalX's asset management division saw notable achievements, with the DigitalX Bitcoin Fund and the DigitalX Digital Asset Fund being ranked among the top-performing cryptocurrency hedge funds in the APAC region by Preqin. The company also announced an exclusive partnership with Liquidity, allowing its members to invest directly in DigitalX's wholesale fund products.

On the product development front, DigitalX continued to enhance its investment process automation through the development of the DigitalX Playlist. The company is also exploring decentralized alternatives to traditional portfolio construction methods, aiming to provide additional revenue opportunities complementary to traditional funds under management models.

Impact Analysis

The quarterly report highlights both challenges and opportunities for DigitalX Limited. The decrease in digital asset treasury holdings due to the decline in Bitcoin prices may impact investor sentiment in the short term. However, the successful launch of the DigitalX Bitcoin ETF and the continued growth in SellMyShares revenue are positive indicators of the company's strategic execution and potential for long-term growth.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts have noted the mixed performance, with some expressing concern over the decline in digital asset values, while others are optimistic about the company's strategic initiatives and the launch of the Bitcoin ETF. Investor sentiment appears cautiously optimistic, with a focus on the company's ability to execute its growth strategy.


Investors should closely monitor DigitalX Limited's ongoing strategic initiatives and financial performance. The successful launch of the Bitcoin ETF and the company's focus on expanding its asset management business are key factors to watch. Staying informed about market trends and the company's developments will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

DigitalX Limited Quarterly Report Stock Market News Cryptocurrency Bitcoin ETF