Develop Global Limited Initiates Trading Halt Pending Major Contract Announcement

DEVELOP GLOBAL LIMITED (DVP) Share Update September 2024 Tuesday 17th

Develop Global Limited Requests Trading Halt Pending Major Announcement
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Develop Global Limited (ASX: DVP) has requested a trading halt on its securities, pending the release of a significant announcement regarding the execution of a material contract.

Instant Summary:

  • Develop Global Limited (ASX: DVP) requests trading halt.
  • Trading halt effective immediately as of 18 September 2024.
  • Pending announcement regarding the execution of a material contract.
  • Trading halt to remain until the earlier of the announcement or 20 September 2024.

Trading Halt Details

On 18 September 2024, Develop Global Limited (ASX: DVP) requested a trading halt on its securities. This request was made to the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and was granted with immediate effect. The trading halt is set to remain in place until the earlier of the release of a significant announcement by the company or the commencement of normal trading on 20 September 2024.

The company has stated that the trading halt is necessary to allow time for the preparation and release of an announcement regarding the execution of a material contract. Develop Global Limited has assured the market that there are no other reasons for the trading halt and that it is in compliance with ASX Listing Rule 17.1.

Company Statement

In a letter addressed to Mr. James Rowe of the Australian Securities Exchange Limited, Elle Farris, the Company Secretary of Develop Global Limited, outlined the reasons for the trading halt. The letter emphasized that the trading halt is requested to ensure that the market is fully informed about the upcoming announcement, which is expected to have a significant impact on the company's operations and stock performance.

Develop Global Limited has not disclosed the specifics of the material contract at this time, but the anticipation of such an announcement has already generated interest and speculation among investors and market analysts.

Impact Analysis

The trading halt requested by Develop Global Limited is likely to have a significant impact on the company's stock once trading resumes. The announcement of a material contract could potentially lead to a positive revaluation of the company's stock, depending on the nature and terms of the contract. Investors will be closely watching for the details of the announcement, as it could signal new growth opportunities or strategic partnerships for the company.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are expected to react with cautious optimism to the trading halt and pending announcement. The execution of a material contract often indicates a positive development for a company, suggesting potential revenue growth or strategic expansion. However, without specific details, some investors may remain cautious until the full announcement is made.


Investors should stay tuned for the announcement from Develop Global Limited, expected no later than 20 September 2024. The details of the material contract could have significant implications for the company's future prospects and stock performance. Staying informed and ready to act on the announcement will be crucial for investors looking to capitalize on this development.

Develop Global Limited Trading Halt Stock Market News Material Contract