Dart Mining Confirms Antimony Presence at Tallandoon - 19 September 2024

DTM (DTM) Share Update September 2024 Wednesday 18th

Dart Mining Confirms Antimony Presence at Tallandoon
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Dart Mining NL (ASX:DTM) has announced promising initial observations from their field reconnaissance at the Tallandoon Antimony prospects in North East Victoria.

Instant Summary:

  • Antimony mineralization observed in waste rock from historic mines.
  • Significant Stibnite presence confirmed by initial pXRF results.
  • 20 samples submitted for multi-element analysis.
  • Field observations support previous sampling results showing 6.48% Sb.

Field Reconnaissance Findings

Dart Mining NL (ASX:DTM) recently conducted a field reconnaissance visit to the Tallandoon Antimony prospects within their 100% owned Exploration Licences EL006300 & EL007754 in North East Victoria. Initial observations have confirmed the presence of antimony mineralization in waste rock from historic mines, including the 'Carry On' and 'The Antimony Mine'.

Visual inspections indicated significant Stibnite presence, with initial portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) results confirming elevated antimony levels. A total of 20 samples have been submitted for multi-element analysis, and the company eagerly awaits the assay results to confirm the concentration of antimony.

Sampling Details

Mapping and sampling were conducted over two days, with 20 samples taken from waste dumps surrounding the historic mines. Sample 217566 showed significant stibnite mineralization within quartz veining, while Sample 217558 revealed parallel veinlets of stibnite within quartz. These findings support previous Dart Mining sampling from the 'Ellis Antimony' Mine, which returned 6.48% Sb in July 2020.

Project Background

The Tallandoon Antimony Prospect is an area of historic antimony mining conducted from 1914 to 1945. The region is dominated by biotite schists with numerous granitic dykes. Mineralization is associated with dyke boundaries and quartz reefs, containing abundant arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena, and stibnite.

Local scale quartz reefs are formed in a North West – South East orientation, likely as a series of large-scale tension vein arrays. The 'Carry On' Mine is located on a granitic dyke intrusive, with massive sulphide stibnite mineralization reported on both contacts up to 1.2 meters wide.

Impact Analysis

The confirmation of antimony presence at Tallandoon could significantly enhance Dart Mining's portfolio, potentially increasing the company's stock value. The positive initial pXRF results and the anticipation of assay results may boost investor confidence and attract new investments.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to react positively to this announcement, given the strategic importance of antimony as a critical mineral. The confirmation of significant mineralization could lead to a revaluation of Dart Mining's assets and a potential uptick in stock prices.


Investors should keep an eye on the forthcoming assay results, which will provide a clearer picture of the antimony concentration at Tallandoon. Dart Mining's continued exploration and development activities in this region could offer substantial long-term benefits.

Dart Mining Antimony Tallandoon Stock Market News Mining Exploration