Cycliq Group Limited - Quarterly Cash Flow Report - 30 June 2024

CYQ (CYQ) Share Update July 2024 Wednesday 24th

Cycliq Group Limited Reports Positive Operating Cash Flow for June 2024 Quarter
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Cycliq Group Limited (ASX: CYQ) has released its quarterly cash flow report for the period ending 30 June 2024, highlighting a positive net operating cash flow and a stable cash position.

Instant Summary:

  • Positive net operating cash flow of $316,000 for the quarter.
  • Cash and cash equivalents increased to $619,000 by the end of the quarter.
  • Minimal net cash outflow from financing activities.
  • No new proceeds from equity or debt securities.

Operating Activities

During the quarter ending 30 June 2024, Cycliq Group Limited reported a positive net operating cash flow of $316,000. This positive cash flow was primarily driven by receipts from customers totaling $1,427,000, offset by various operating expenses including product manufacturing and operating costs ($398,000), advertising and marketing ($210,000), and staff costs ($322,000).

Despite these expenses, the company managed to maintain a positive cash flow, which is a significant improvement compared to the year-to-date net operating cash flow of -$292,000.

Investing and Financing Activities

The company reported minimal activity in investing and financing segments. There were no significant acquisitions or disposals of property, plant, equipment, or intellectual property. The net cash used in investing activities was negligible at -$94,000.

In terms of financing activities, Cycliq Group Limited had a net cash outflow of -$29,000, primarily due to the repayment of borrowings amounting to $29,000. The company did not issue any new equity or debt securities during the quarter.

Cash Position

As of 30 June 2024, Cycliq Group Limited's cash and cash equivalents stood at $619,000, a significant increase from $345,000 at the beginning of the quarter. This improvement in cash position is attributed to the positive net operating cash flow and minimal cash outflows from investing and financing activities.

Future Outlook

The company did not report any unused financing facilities available at the end of the quarter, indicating a reliance on existing cash reserves and operating cash flows to fund future operations. The management has not disclosed any immediate plans to raise additional capital.

Impact Analysis

The positive net operating cash flow and increased cash reserves are likely to boost investor confidence in Cycliq Group Limited. The company's ability to generate positive cash flow from operations suggests improved financial stability and potential for future growth. However, the lack of new financing facilities could be a concern if additional capital is needed for expansion or unforeseen expenses.

Investor Reaction:

Investors and analysts have reacted positively to the report, noting the company's improved cash flow management. Some investors are cautiously optimistic, awaiting further details on the company's plans to sustain and grow its cash flow in the coming quarters.


Overall, Cycliq Group Limited's quarterly cash flow report presents a positive outlook for the company. Investors should keep an eye on the company's future cash flow reports and any strategic moves to ensure continued financial stability. Subscribing to updates and monitoring the company's performance will be crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Cycliq Group Limited Quarterly Cash Flow Stock Market News Financial Report ASX