Culpeo Minerals Limited Quarterly Cash Flow Report - June 2024

CULPEO MINERALS LIMITED (CPO) Share Update July 2024 Tuesday 30th

Culpeo Minerals Reports Quarterly Cash Flow for June 2024
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Culpeo Minerals Limited (ASX: CUL) has published its quarterly cash flow report for the period ending June 30, 2024. The report provides insights into the company's financial activities, including operating, investing, and financing cash flows.

Instant Summary:

  • Net cash used in operating activities: $349,000.
  • Net cash used in investing activities: $589,000.
  • No net cash from financing activities for the current quarter.
  • Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period: $403,000.
  • Unused financing facilities available at quarter end: $2.725 million.

Operating Activities

During the current quarter, Culpeo Minerals reported net cash used in operating activities amounting to $349,000. This includes payments for staff costs ($157,000) and administration and corporate costs ($194,000). The company received $2,000 in interest and had minimal other income.

Investing Activities

The company used $589,000 in investing activities, primarily for the acquisition of tenements and exploration and evaluation expenses. No proceeds were reported from the disposal of entities, property, plant, and equipment, or investments.

Financing Activities

In the current quarter, Culpeo Minerals did not report any net cash from financing activities. However, for the year to date, the company had net cash from financing activities amounting to $3.443 million, primarily from the proceeds of equity securities issuance.

Cash Position

As of June 30, 2024, Culpeo Minerals had cash and cash equivalents totaling $403,000. The company also has unused financing facilities available amounting to $2.725 million, providing a total available funding of $3.128 million. This equates to approximately 3.3 quarters of funding available based on the current cash outflows.

Related Party Transactions

Payments to related parties and their associates included $157,000 for director fees and consulting fees in operating activities and $63,000 in investing activities.

Impact Analysis

The cash flow report indicates that Culpeo Minerals is managing its cash reserves prudently, with significant unused financing facilities providing a safety net. However, the continued cash outflows in operating and investing activities may raise concerns among investors about the company's ability to generate positive cash flow in the near term.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts may view the report with cautious optimism due to the company's available financing facilities. However, the ongoing cash outflows might lead to mixed reactions, with some investors potentially concerned about the sustainability of these outflows without corresponding inflows.


Investors should keep a close eye on Culpeo Minerals' future financial reports and any strategic actions the company takes to improve its cash flow situation. The company's ability to secure additional funding and manage its expenditures will be crucial in maintaining investor confidence.

Culpeo Minerals Quarterly Cash Flow ASX Mining Exploration Stock Market News