Credit Intelligence Ltd Legal Action Dismissed & Business Update - 18 September 2024

CI1 (CI1) Share Update September 2024 Wednesday 18th

Credit Intelligence Ltd Legal Action Dismissed and Business Update
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Credit Intelligence Ltd (ASX: CI1) has announced that the legal action initiated by the former executive Chairman/CEO Mr. Ka Sek Wong and his spouse has been dismissed. The company also provided a business update regarding new insolvency cases.

Instant Summary:

  • Legal action by former executive Chairman/CEO dismissed by the High Court of Hong Kong.
  • New insolvency cases assigned to Hong Kong Insolvency Service Limited.
  • Company still assessing financial position and unable to fully inform the market.
  • Shares remain suspended from quotation under ASX Listing Rule 17.3.1.

Legal Action Dismissed

Credit Intelligence Ltd (ASX: CI1) has announced that the legal action initiated by the former executive Chairman/CEO Mr. Ka Sek Wong and his spouse Chuen Lan Chan has been dismissed by the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This legal matter, which was first brought to the market's attention on 2 February 2024, has now reached a conclusion, providing some relief to the company and its stakeholders.

Business Update

In addition to the legal update, Credit Intelligence Ltd has provided further information regarding its business operations. The Official Receiver’s Office (ORO) has assigned new cases to Hong Kong Insolvency Service Limited (HKIS), where Mr. King Wong and Mr. Julian Wong are joint trustees. These new assignments are still in the early stages, and the company is currently assessing its financial position. As a result, Credit Intelligence Ltd is unable to fully inform the market at this time, despite its efforts to do so.

Share Suspension

The Board of Directors of Credit Intelligence Ltd continues to closely monitor the status of HKIS and intends to apply for the reinstatement of the company’s shares with the ASX in due course. However, the company will remain suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.3.1 due to its inability to confirm compliance with Listing Rules 3.1 and 12.2.

Impact Analysis

The dismissal of the legal action is a positive development for Credit Intelligence Ltd, potentially alleviating some legal uncertainties and associated costs. However, the ongoing assessment of the company's financial position and the suspension of shares may continue to weigh on investor sentiment. The market reaction is likely to be cautious until more concrete financial information is provided.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts might view the dismissal of the legal action favorably, as it removes a significant overhang. However, the continued suspension of shares and the incomplete financial assessment could lead to mixed reactions among investors. The company's ability to provide a clear financial update will be crucial in shaping investor confidence going forward.


Investors should keep a close eye on Credit Intelligence Ltd's forthcoming financial updates and the status of its share reinstatement with the ASX. The resolution of these issues will be key to understanding the company's future prospects and potential stock performance.

Credit Intelligence Ltd Legal Action Business Update Stock Market News ASX