Company's Annual Report Reveals Sharp Decline in Profit

CCP (CCP) Share Update July 2024 Monday 29th

Company Reports Significant Drop in Annual Profit Despite Stable Revenue
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The company's preliminary final report for the year ended 30 June 2024 reveals a significant drop in profit despite stable revenue figures. Investors are urged to review the details closely.

Instant Summary:

  • Revenue increased by 0.6% to $476.3 million.
  • Profit after tax dropped by 44.4% to $50.7 million.
  • Dividends per ordinary share: 15.0 cents interim and 23.0 cents final, both fully franked.
  • Net tangible assets per share increased slightly to $11.55.

Annual Financial Performance

The company's revenue for the year ended 30 June 2024 was $476.3 million, a slight increase of 0.6% compared to the previous year's $473.4 million. However, the profit from ordinary activities after tax attributable to members saw a dramatic decline of 44.4%, dropping from $91.3 million in 2023 to $50.7 million in 2024.

This significant drop in profit is a cause for concern among investors, as it indicates potential underlying issues that need to be addressed by the company's management. The profit attributable to members of the group also mirrored this decline, reinforcing the need for a closer examination of the company's financial health.

Dividend Details

Despite the drop in profit, the company declared a final dividend of 23.0 cents per ordinary share, fully franked, in addition to the interim dividend of 15.0 cents per share paid earlier in the year. This brings the total dividends for the year to 38.0 cents per share, compared to 59.0 cents per share in the previous year.

Net Tangible Assets

The net tangible assets (NTA) per ordinary share saw a slight increase, rising from $11.43 in 2023 to $11.55 in 2024. This marginal improvement in NTA per share is a positive sign, indicating that the company's asset base remains robust despite the decline in profitability.

Other Financial Statements

For a comprehensive understanding of the company's financial performance, investors are encouraged to refer to the 2024 Annual Report, which includes detailed statements of comprehensive income, financial position, cash flows, and changes in equity. These documents provide crucial insights into the company's financial operations and strategic direction.

Impact Analysis

The significant drop in profit is likely to have a negative impact on the company's stock price as investors react to the disappointing financial results. The slight increase in revenue is overshadowed by the sharp decline in profit, raising concerns about the company's ability to manage costs and sustain profitability. The stable dividend payout may provide some reassurance to investors, but the overall sentiment is expected to be cautious.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to express concern over the sharp decline in profit, questioning the company's strategic decisions and cost management practices. While the slight increase in revenue and stable NTA per share are positive signs, the overall investor reaction is expected to be mixed, with a focus on understanding the reasons behind the profit drop and the company's plans to address these issues.


Investors should closely monitor the company's strategic response to the significant drop in profit and assess the potential long-term impacts on their portfolios. Reviewing the detailed financial statements and staying informed about the company's future plans will be crucial in making informed investment decisions.

Annual Report Financial Performance Stock Market News Dividends Profit Decline