Chalice Mining's Gonneville Project Receives Strategic Project Status from WA Government

CHN (CHN) Share Update September 2024 Monday 16th

Chalice Mining's Gonneville Project Gains Strategic Project Status
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Chalice Mining Limited (ASX: CHN) has announced that its Gonneville PGE-Ni-Cu-Co Project has been granted Strategic Project status by the Western Australian Government, highlighting its significant potential for economic and energy transition benefits.

Instant Summary:

  • Gonneville Project granted Strategic Project status by WA Government.
  • Formal recognition of the project's economic and energy transition potential.
  • Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI) to provide high-level project facilitation.
  • Environmental approvals to be streamlined through the Green Energy Assessment Unit.


The Western Australian Government has officially recognized Chalice Mining's Gonneville Project as a Strategic Project. This designation underscores the project's potential to deliver significant economic and energy transition benefits for the state and the broader region.

The Gonneville Project, located 70km northeast of Perth, is poised to produce a mix of critical and strategic minerals essential for decarbonization and urbanization, including nickel, copper, cobalt, palladium, and platinum. Currently in the Pre-Feasibility stage, the project is advancing through regulatory approvals.

Government Support

The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI) will assume Lead Agency responsibility for the Gonneville Project, providing high-level facilitation for regulatory approvals and infrastructure requirements. This support aims to expedite the project's development and align it with the state's decarbonization and economic diversification goals.

Environmental approvals for the Gonneville Project will benefit from a streamlined assessment process through the newly established Green Energy Assessment Unit. This unit, part of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, is dedicated to facilitating the approval of green energy projects.

Project Significance

The Gonneville Project is a large-scale greenfield discovery that hosts a rare mix of critical and strategic minerals. The project's mineral resource estimate includes significant quantities of palladium, platinum, nickel, copper, and cobalt, making it one of the largest critical and strategic minerals projects in Western Australia.

Chalice Mining CEO and Managing Director, Alex Dorsch, expressed gratitude for the government's recognition and support. He emphasized the project's importance as the first major Platinum Group Element discovery in Australia and its potential to contribute to the state's economic and energy transition objectives.

Future Prospects

Chalice Mining is committed to developing the Gonneville Project sustainably and responsibly, with a focus on best practices in environmental, social, and cultural heritage management. The company is progressing development studies to determine the project's feasibility and has commenced the regulatory approvals process.

The project's favorable location, with access to established road, rail, port, and high-voltage power infrastructure, as well as a significant mining workforce in the Perth area, further enhances its development prospects.

Impact Analysis

The Strategic Project status granted to Chalice Mining's Gonneville Project is a significant milestone that could positively impact the company's stock. The formal recognition and government support are likely to boost investor confidence and accelerate the project's development. The streamlined environmental approval process is particularly beneficial, as it reduces potential delays and uncertainties.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the Strategic Project status as a positive development for Chalice Mining. The government's support and streamlined approval process are expected to enhance the project's attractiveness to investors. However, some analysts may remain cautious, awaiting further progress in the regulatory approvals and feasibility studies.


Investors should closely monitor the development of Chalice Mining's Gonneville Project, particularly the progress in regulatory approvals and feasibility studies. The Strategic Project status and government support provide a strong foundation for the project's success, but ongoing updates and milestones will be crucial in maintaining investor confidence.

Chalice Mining Gonneville Project Strategic Project Stock Market News Mining Industry