CGN Resources Initiates Airborne Gravity Survey at Webb Project

CGR (CGR) Share Update August 2024 Sunday 11th

CGN Resources Announces New Phase of Exploration at Webb Project
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CGN Resources Limited (ASX: CGR) has announced the commencement of a new phase of exploration at their Webb Project, starting with an airborne gravity gradiometry survey.

Instant Summary:

  • Xcalibur Smart Mapping to start airborne gravity survey in mid-August.
  • Survey to cover new target areas at Elmer, Kandula, and Mahmud.
  • Focus on large magmatic intrusive carbonatites and IOCG mineral systems.
  • Assay results returned for RC and diamond drilling at Shep, Hathi, and Surus.

Exploration Details

CGN Resources Limited (ASX: CGR) is set to begin the next phase of exploration at the Webb Project on August 13th. Xcalibur Smart Mapping, a leading airborne geophysical contractor, will conduct a 1600 line-kilometre high-resolution FALCONĀ® Airborne Gravity Gradiometry (AGG) survey. This survey will also gather high-quality aeromagnetic data, enhancing the resolution of existing data at new targets.

The survey will focus on target areas in the north and south that show favorable geological settings for large magmatic intrusives, such as carbonatites and iron-oxide copper-gold (IOCG) mineral systems. The northern targets, Kandula and Elmer, are adjacent to WA1 tenure and exhibit geological features suggesting a favorable regime and potentially shallower Neo-Proterozoic cover. The Mahmud target area in the south has thin basin cover and a complex magnetic signature, indicating potential for copper-gold or base metal mineralization.

Drilling Results

CGN Resources has received assay results from recent drilling campaigns at Shep, Hathi, and Surus. These results showed weak anomalies with elevated rare earth elements in brecciated mafic intrusive pipes and elevated nickel, silver, and zinc in mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks. Although no economic intercepts were recorded, the results indicate potential fertility and distal geochemical signatures, which will help CGN target additional prospective areas identified through geophysical surveys.

Project Overview

CGN Resources' flagship Webb Project spans a significant 961 kmĀ² in the West Arunta Orogen, Western Australia. The region is recognized for its potential to target copper, nickel, and critical metals within a mineral-rich terrain that has seen limited prior exploration. The Webb Project is surrounded by prominent mining corporations and ambitious exploration companies, including WA1 Resources Ltd, Rio Tinto Group, Encounter Resources Ltd, and IGO Ltd.

CGN Resources has already demonstrated the potential for diamondiferous kimberlites at Webb, discovering the largest kimberlite field in Australia. The company has developed high-priority targets for IOCG, nickel, and rare earth elements, using high-quality regional datasets, including multielement geochemistry data, high-resolution aeromagnetic data, and detailed Falcon gravity surveys.

Impact Analysis

The commencement of the airborne gravity survey at the Webb Project is a significant step forward for CGN Resources. The high-resolution data collected will enhance the company's understanding of the geological structures and mineral potential of the area. This could lead to the identification of new mineral deposits, potentially increasing the company's stock value as investors react to the positive exploration news. The elevated rare earth elements and base metals found in the recent drilling results also add to the project's potential, making it an attractive prospect for investors.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to react positively to the news of the new phase of exploration at the Webb Project. The use of advanced geophysical techniques and the focus on high-potential target areas suggest that CGN Resources is well-positioned to make significant discoveries. However, the weak anomalies in the recent drilling results may temper some of the enthusiasm, as investors will be looking for more concrete evidence of economic mineralization.


Investors should keep a close eye on the results of the upcoming airborne gravity survey and any subsequent drilling campaigns. The Webb Project's potential for significant mineral discoveries makes CGN Resources a company to watch in the coming months. Stay informed on the latest developments and consider the long-term impacts on your investment portfolio.

CGN Resources Webb Project Exploration Stock Market News Mining