Brockman Mining and MinRes Push Forward with Marillana Project Developments

BROCKMAN MINING LIMITED (BCK) Share Update July 2024 Monday 29th

Brockman Mining and MinRes Advance Marillana Project
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Brockman Mining Limited (SEHK: 159, ASX: BCK) has announced significant progress in their joint venture with Mineral Resources Ltd (MinRes) on the Marillana Project, including new infrastructure developments and environmental management plans.

Instant Summary:

  • Continued advancement of the Marillana Project with MinRes.
  • Development of new infrastructure including loading facilities, haul roads, and a rail spur.
  • Submission of indicative development proposals by MinRes.
  • Completion of confirmatory technical and due diligence studies.
  • Advancement of environmental management and monitoring plans.

Project Activities

The Marillana Project, a joint venture between Brockman Iron Pty Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of Brockman Mining) and Polaris Metals Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of MinRes), continues to make significant strides. The joint venture agreement allows Polaris to earn a 50% interest in the project by satisfying farm-in obligations.

MinRes has submitted indicative development proposals that include the development of the Marillana and Ophthalmia Projects, funding for project capital costs, and build-own-operate arrangements for infrastructure and the crushing plant at Ophthalmia. Additionally, a logistics system is being developed to transport ore from the mines to the port stockyard at Port Hedland.

Initial Development Works

Confirmatory technical and due diligence studies by Polaris are nearly complete. These studies indicate that a modified process flow sheet could enhance yields while maintaining product quality. Sinter testwork has shown that Marillana Fines can substitute for other Australian fines products in Chinese coastal steel mills.

Environmental management and monitoring plans are being updated to support the project's development. This includes water and greenhouse gas modeling, as well as continued monitoring of ecological communities and regional hydrological baseline data.

Infrastructure Developments

In November 2021, MinRes announced an agreement with Hancock Prospecting Pty Limited and Roy Hill Holdings Pty Limited to develop a new iron ore export facility at the port of Port Hedland. The Government of Western Australia granted a port capacity allocation to the MinRes Hancock JV, ensuring the Marillana Project has the necessary port capacity.

The new iron ore export facility remains subject to various approvals and a positive final investment decision by MinRes and Hancock. The joint venture continues to advance the necessary consents, approvals, and engineering studies to support this decision.

Ophthalmia Project

Polaris earned a 50% interest in the Ophthalmia Iron Ore Project in November 2021. Since then, Polaris has commenced various studies and surveys. However, the program of works at Ophthalmia has been reduced to prioritize the development of the Marillana Project while MinRes finalizes arrangements for the new iron export facility.

Impact Analysis

The advancements in the Marillana Project are likely to positively impact Brockman Mining's stock as the project moves closer to operational status. The development of new infrastructure and environmental management plans demonstrate the joint venture's commitment to the project's success. Investors may view these developments as a sign of future profitability and growth potential.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts have reacted positively to the news, noting the strategic importance of the new infrastructure developments. Investors are optimistic about the project's progress and the potential for increased returns once the project becomes operational.


Investors should keep an eye on further developments in the Marillana Project and the final investment decision by MinRes and Hancock. The project's success could significantly boost Brockman Mining's stock value. Stay informed on the latest updates to make well-informed investment decisions.

Brockman Mining Marillana Project MinRes Stock Market News Iron Ore