BrainChip Launches Share Purchase Plan to Raise Additional Capital

BRN (BRN) Share Update July 2024 Thursday 25th

BrainChip Announces New Share Purchase Plan for Investors
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BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX: BRN) has announced a new Share Purchase Plan (SPP) to raise additional capital, offering existing shareholders the opportunity to purchase up to A$30,000 in additional shares at a discounted price.

Instant Summary:

  • Opportunity to purchase up to A$30,000 in additional shares.
  • Shares priced at A$0.193 each, a discount from recent trading prices.
  • Target to raise up to A$3 million, with flexibility to adjust the amount.
  • No transaction or brokerage costs for participating shareholders.
  • Funds to support commercialisation of Akida 2.0 and development of new products.

Details of the Share Purchase Plan

On 25 July 2024, BrainChip Holdings Ltd announced a new Share Purchase Plan (SPP) as part of a broader capital raising effort. This plan allows eligible shareholders to purchase up to A$30,000 worth of additional shares at a price of A$0.193 per share. This price represents a 3.5% discount to the last closing price of A$0.20 per share on 22 July 2024, and a 4.0% discount to the 10-day volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of A$0.201 per share.

Eligibility and Participation

The SPP is available to shareholders who were on the company register at 7:00 pm (Sydney time) on 24 July 2024 and have a registered address in Australia or New Zealand. The plan aims to raise up to A$3 million, although the company reserves the right to raise more or less than this amount at its discretion. The SPP will close on 15 August 2024 at 5:00 pm (Sydney time), with shares allotted on 22 August 2024 and quoted on the ASX on 23 August 2024.

Use of Funds

The funds raised through the SPP and the broader placement will primarily support the commercialisation of BrainChip's Akida 2.0 technology and the development of the new TENNs product. Additional uses include accelerating the development of TENNs technology, creating derivatives for sales opportunities, and developing a cloud-based FPGA system for customer evaluations. The company also plans to invest in ongoing research and development and fulfill obligations under the Put Option Agreement with LDA Capital.

Risks and Considerations

Investors should be aware of several risks associated with this investment. These include potential delays in product development and sales, challenges in customer adoption, funding risks, and the protection of intellectual property. Additionally, general economic conditions and market risks could impact the company's performance. Shareholders should read the SPP terms and consider these risks before making an investment decision.

Impact Analysis

The announcement of the SPP is likely to have a mixed impact on BrainChip's stock price. On one hand, the discounted share price may attract existing shareholders to increase their holdings, potentially providing a short-term boost to the stock. On the other hand, the potential dilution of shares and the risks associated with the company's ongoing projects could weigh on investor sentiment. The success of the SPP and the company's ability to effectively use the raised funds will be crucial in determining the long-term impact on the stock.

Investor Reaction:

Initial reactions from investors and analysts have been cautious. Some investors appreciate the opportunity to purchase additional shares at a discount, while others are concerned about the potential dilution and the risks outlined in the SPP terms. Analysts are closely watching how BrainChip plans to use the funds and the progress of their ongoing projects.


Investors should carefully consider the details and risks associated with BrainChip's Share Purchase Plan before making a decision. The company's ability to successfully commercialise its technologies and manage the raised funds will be key factors in its future performance. Shareholders are encouraged to stay informed and monitor the company's announcements and progress.

BrainChip Share Purchase Plan Stock Market News Technology Investment