Auckland Airport Launches Retail Offer to Raise Capital

AIA (AIA) Share Update September 2024 Wednesday 18th

Auckland International Airport Announces Retail Offer to Raise Up to NZ$200 Million
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Auckland International Airport Limited has announced a new retail offer aimed at raising up to NZ$200 million from eligible shareholders in New Zealand and Australia. This move follows a successful institutional placement that raised NZ$1.2 billion.

Instant Summary:

  • Retail offer aims to raise up to NZ$200 million.
  • Eligible shareholders can apply for shares up to NZ$150,000 (NZ) or A$45,500 (AU).
  • Shares will be issued at the lower of NZ$6.95 or a 2.5% discount to the five-day VWAP.
  • Funds will be used to reduce net debt, repay bonds, and support capital investment.
  • Offer closes on 4 October 2024, with shares allotted on or around 11 October 2024.

Retail Offer Details

Auckland International Airport Limited has launched a retail offer to raise up to NZ$200 million from eligible shareholders in New Zealand and Australia. This follows a successful institutional placement that raised NZ$1.2 billion at a price of NZ$6.95 per share.

The retail offer is open to shareholders who were registered by 7:00pm New Zealand time on 13 September 2024. Eligible shareholders can apply for shares up to a maximum value of NZ$150,000 for New Zealand shareholders and A$45,500 for Australian shareholders. The shares will be issued at the lower of NZ$6.95 or a 2.5% discount to the volume-weighted average price (VWAP) over the last five trading days of the offer period.

Use of Funds

The funds raised will initially be used to reduce net debt and repay the NZ$150 million bond maturing in October 2024. Additionally, NZ$100 million of unhedged drawn facilities will be repaid. The remaining funds will provide flexibility for Auckland Airport's planned capital investment program over the upcoming regulatory price setting periods (PSE4 and PSE5) while maintaining its A- credit rating and dividend policy.

Application Process

Applications for the retail offer must be made online at The offer closes at 6:00pm New Zealand time on 4 October 2024. Shares are expected to be allotted on or around 11 October 2024, with trading on the NZX commencing the same day and on the ASX from 14 October 2024.

Scaling and Allocation

If applications exceed the NZ$200 million target, Auckland Airport reserves the right to scale back applications. This will be done proportionately based on the number of shares held by each applicant as of the record date. Refunds for any scaled-back amounts will be issued within five business days following the allotment date.

Impact Analysis

The retail offer is expected to strengthen Auckland Airport's financial position by reducing net debt and supporting future capital investments. This could positively impact the company's stock price by enhancing investor confidence in its financial stability and growth prospects. However, the dilution effect on existing shareholders who do not participate in the offer could temper some of the positive sentiment.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to view the retail offer favorably, as it demonstrates Auckland Airport's proactive approach to managing its financial health and funding future growth. The successful completion of the institutional placement at a strong price point further supports this positive outlook. However, some investors may express concerns about potential dilution if they choose not to participate in the offer.


Investors should consider participating in the retail offer to maintain or increase their shareholding in Auckland Airport. The funds raised will support the company's long-term growth and financial stability. Shareholders are encouraged to review the offer details and submit their applications by the 4 October 2024 deadline.

Auckland Airport Retail Offer Capital Raising Stock Market News Investment Opportunity