Aspen Group Limited - Mixed Financial Performance in FY2024

APZ (APZ) Share Update August 2024 Thursday 15th

Aspen Group Limited Announces Mixed Financial Results for FY2024
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Aspen Group Limited (ASX: APZ) has released its preliminary final report for the fiscal year ending 30 June 2024, showcasing a mix of financial outcomes. While the company experienced a significant increase in revenue, profit margins saw a decline.

Instant Summary:

  • Revenue from ordinary activities increased by 39% to $91.124 million.
  • Profit for the year decreased by 10.9% to $48.44 million.
  • Underlying Operating Profit rose by 21% to $25.261 million.
  • Basic earnings per security dropped from 31.22 cents to 26.49 cents.
  • Net tangible assets per ordinary security increased from $1.98 to $2.18.

Financial Performance Overview

Aspen Group Limited has reported a substantial increase in revenue from ordinary activities, which rose by 39% to $91.124 million for the year ended 30 June 2024. However, despite this growth, the company's profit for the year saw a decline of 10.9%, amounting to $48.44 million.

Underlying Operating Profit, which excludes non-underlying items such as depreciation and share-based payments, increased by 21% to $25.261 million. This indicates a strong operational performance despite the overall profit decline.

Earnings and Distributions

The basic earnings per security fell from 31.22 cents in the previous year to 26.49 cents in FY2024. Similarly, diluted earnings per security decreased from 30.88 cents to 26.12 cents. The company declared an interim distribution of 4.25 cents per security and a final distribution of the same amount, bringing the total distribution for the year to 8.50 cents per security.

Net Tangible Assets and Asset Management

Net tangible assets per ordinary security increased from $1.98 in the previous period to $2.18. This improvement reflects the company's effective asset management strategies and capital recycling initiatives, which included the sale of non-core investment properties and the acquisition of new assets.

Operational Highlights

Aspen's property portfolio remained highly occupied, with rents increasing across its residential, lifestyle, and park segments. The average rent achieved across the portfolio was $317 per week, up 15% from the previous year. The net rental income margin also improved to 50%, driven by excellent operational management and increased occupancy post-refurbishment projects.

Impact Analysis

The mixed financial results reflect Aspen Group's ability to grow revenue and manage its assets effectively, despite facing challenges that impacted overall profit margins. The increase in net tangible assets per security and underlying operating profit indicates a positive operational performance. However, the decline in profit and earnings per security may affect investor sentiment in the short term.

Investor Reaction:

Analysts are likely to have mixed reactions to Aspen Group's financial results. The significant revenue growth and improved underlying operating profit are positive indicators, but the decline in profit and earnings per security may raise concerns. Investors will be closely monitoring the company's strategic initiatives and future performance to assess long-term value.


Investors should consider the detailed financial performance and operational highlights of Aspen Group Limited when making investment decisions. The company's ability to increase revenue and manage assets effectively, despite challenges, suggests potential for long-term growth. Staying informed on Aspen's strategic initiatives and market conditions will be crucial for investors.

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